There seems to be this belief that you *have* to go aftermarket on you your build to be a "real modeler" but it's just not true. There is nothing wrong with going OOTB.
That said, I'm an aftermarket junky and I've found that I get my money's worth in the end... double the price on a build for AM also means double the modeling time to finish something so it's basically just a "quantity vs quality" argument.
As for the actual cost of models, yeah they are more expensive but look at what you are getting with today's kits vs old kits! The detail, kit quality and accuracy, not to mention number of subjects is SO much better than "back in the day" and all that costs money. I don't feel like manufacturers are gouging us; in fact it feels like they are generally bending over backwards just to stay in business.
I've been working on a 1/200 HMS Nelson+ aftermarket since last September and have probably between 2-300 hours into her. While it was expensive up front (roughly $600 for everything) I will have ended up paying around 2 bucks an hour for entertainment for the year and it's turning out to be a seriously impressive model.
In the end, I feel like I got my money's worth anyway.