Rob, I think I understand your apparent loathing for gratuitous praise—one can't help wondering whether it's really sincere.
But I'd rather see too much of that than too little. This is a very discouraging world, and I'd rather see encouragement given than not.
And there's nothing wrong with being diplomatic and soft-spoken—people listen better. And, as I'm sure you know, it makes a much larger impression when the diplomatic, soft-spoken person roars! Took me an awful long time to learn that…
I, too, am very reluctant to critique another's work—some will have noted that I rarely respond to posted WIP's or completed projects, except in the case of children—we need to encourage the next generation of modelers as much as possible! I may do so if the modeler specifically requests it, but even then I am reluctant. It's not that I'm afraid of hurting feelings (they asked for it) or the wrath of others. The reason is simple humility, and that I'm looking at a picture with 72 dpi resolution. The camera is very unforgiving, and does not see the way the human eye does (better in some ways, worse in others—"Where the %##@! did that dust speck come from!"). And 72 dpi is not much. As for color, what I'm seeing on the monitor may be completely different than what is on the model.
And I may give up on the software of this forum, but the people—not.