Well, as perhaps the originator of this discussion in the armor forum I’m going to chime in late here because I just found this thread.
First, I was pleased to see what I think are some excellent responses to this topic. Second, I want to reiterate what I said in the armor forum that started this somewhat heated discussion. I do not disapprove of anyone modeling SS armor, or putting the swastika decal on their model of an Me 109. But I try to stay away from SS topics myself. I admire the technological advances that the Germans made during the war, but I see no reason that I can’t model these subjects without representing SS units.
Why do I stay away from certain subjects?? Well like I said before; for lack of better wording, I just feel kina funny. Perhaps this is because I would not want anyone to think that I, in any way support the Nazi party, or what the SS did. Do I care what other people think? No, but I am also very opinionated and I would not want anyone to get the wrong impression for even a second about this topic.
I realize that the side that you are going to be on during a war is predominately determined by either where you were born, or what religion you were born into. However, the SS was the personal guard of the Nazi party and not a part of the army. While I cannot criticize what the members of the SS did because I have no idea what I may have done in their situation, I do not support their actions in any way whatsoever. Yes, the allies participated in some morally questionable actions as well. I do not support these actions either. While again, I cannot criticize these actions, I find myself ashamed as an American that we incarcerated Japanese-Americans during WWII and I find no pride in the fact that the US is the only country in the world that has dropped a thermo-nuclear weapon on another nation in aggression.
As the source of this debate, some may have formed some opinions about me and questioned my “liberal” beliefs. I was going to put a response to this in the post, but decided to update my profile instead.
Oh, and in response to the original subject, yes. After looking over my collection of mainly German armor for the first time, my current girlfriend asked me if I was in any way a Nazi. No, I’m not.