I'll be posting more pics of the build soon. I got a bit sidetracked because of the NHL playoffs. I'm working on the cabin seats now. Kida tedious. But I'm following the directions from a posted review for this model, which helped Greatly! This is what I'm working on now. Yesterday I did the 4 rear/back row, cabin seats:
"The most difficult aspect of the kit was installing the cabin seats. If you do this according to the instructions, you'll end up tearing your hair out. The problem is that the seats are sandwiched between the ceiling and floor, and each seat has a pair of separately molded angled legs. I suggest doing it this way: Assemble the seats per instructions in step 4, but don't cement the legs to the seats or attach the seats to the ceiling at this point. Now, go to step 5 and cement the rear cabin bulkhead (B47) to the floor, making sure it's square to the surface. Add the cabin sides (B28 and B29), too. Now dry-fit the ceiling and make sure the outer edges off the sides line up with the outer edges of the ceiling. Tape the assembly and let the glue dry overnight.
Still with me? Now remove the ceiling and paint the interior parts, but not the bottoms of the seats yet. Next cement the back row of seats (type C) to the ceiling, and once they are set, use slow-setting plastic cement to attach the legs to the seats. While the legs are still pliable, dry-tape the ceiling (with seats attached) to the rest of the cabin and use tweezers to align the bottom of the legs with the dimples in the floor. Allow the legs to dry. Repeat the process for all the rest of the seats. Once everything is set, spray the bottom of the seats and legs and you can finally cement the entire assembly. I used tiny dabs of super glue on the bottoms of the legs - all 24 of them!"