Thanks for the info, As far as white medevac helmets go, some of the early medevac hueys were white, so it kinda shows how much thought was put in. But like you say, the Geneva convention probably had alot to do with that. I suppose, looking at it from the side of anyone that doesnt follow the convention, the sight of big red cross on an enemy helicopter means little more than a great target to aim for as does a white helmet.
Just out of curiousity, was there ever a time going into an LZ or something, when you looked around at the other guys and thought " was it realy a good idea to paint my helmet" ?
As for the Panda kit, i think its still the same DML helo crew. After lots of failed attempts and(nervous twitch inducing) last minute bids, i managed to get hold of a few sets of the figures. They are good but then we dont have alot of helo crews to choose from! I think the option for two mounted M60s seems like a fair and obvious inclusion for the kit (but then you wouldnt have to buy two kits, would you! $$$ £££).
Like you say, it would be nice to have something new. Luckily i managed to get hold of some limited edition heads, for the DML crew, made over here in the UK. So i have the option of visor up or down now.
Ray's made a thread with pictures of all the bits in the Panda kit. its on the first page i think. il grab the link and post it here next time im on
While the rest of the crew may be in the same predicament, it's almost always the pilot's job to arrive at the crash site first.