Hi TacoBuff
I used to spend days drawing and scribing cobblestons, until I devised this quick and easy way to simulate cobblestone road.
Once you have your base worked out, and your road ready to go...
Apply a thin layer of plaster of paris to the road surface, let it dry and sand it down to shape. (that will give something for the skim coat to key to).
Next, get yourself one of those open mesh washing bags, (available from supermarkets) the type you put your loose articles in, to throw in the washing machine. Cut it into one strip of the material.
Lay the material over the road, and apply skim coat (plaster filler in a tube), and squeeze it through the material using a plastic applicator. (very much like screen printing). Go right to the road edges, and make sure you have squeezed enough through... otherwise the cobbles will lift with the material.
Carefully peel back the material while the skim coat is still wet, and there you have your cobblestone road.
Have a practice before you start on the project. The material is available in different grades, keep an eye out for it, for different sized cobbles.
The surface will not match the road in the Verlinden kit, so you may wish trim that off, cover it with rubble, or put the new road surface over it.
hope this helps.