Hans, .... this GB really piques my interest in both participating and in actually making a dio again, as the last one I made was back in.. '82 when I made a 1/72 dio of the invasion of France (from the German POV) for my middle school French class. Call me a noob in so far as dio's are concerned.
I have an idea that's been kicking around my head for a while, I just might like to try it out here.... just to be clear on the rules thus far-
* finished and started kits are OK, but the base must be started after the jump-off date (tomorrow)? I've got Mystery Item 1 almost finished and 2 more Mystery Items that are in the build stages that go with, and are related to, Item 1. The figures I want may take some sourcing/god-forbid-scratchbuilding to acquire though...
*11"x14" or mostly thereabouts. This could be an issue with my Great Idea, but I haven't physcially laid anything out yet, so who knows....
*amalgamated rules from AMPS and IPMS and Hans hisself has final say.
*229 day run (this should be a full year please- IMO all this 229 stuff is a little old and altogether not that funny)
If you and everyone else in this GB can handle having a loose cannon in the room, I'm IN.