Does this sound familiar?
must ask ourselves:why would an otherwise reasonably normal person
forsake the pleasures of
arhopping,vacationing,fixing faucets,and playing poker to sit for years
at a time,hunched over a cluttered workbench,squinting through an
Optivisor,fashioning tiny bits of plastic(or wood)into what eventually
emerges as a miniture representation of a long-extinct piece of
machinery which few still recall and about which fewer give a damn?
The most rewarding goal is psychic satisfaction:knowledge that the
finished product really is good-reflecting the best you had within
you.Sure,it was an epic struggle,but it came out well,and now you can
rest upon your laurels for awhile.You go out and lie on the hammock all
afternoon(or until the bugs find you);rent a few old movies(Test
Pilot,Men With Wings,Dawn Patrol-the usual fare);go to the zoo.But
before long,the old urge begins to return(no,not that one,this one)and
pretty soon you are back at the workbench,happily wailing away on your
next masterpiece.
John Alcorn from his book ,Scratchbuilt! A Celebration of the Static Scale Airplane Modellers Craft. Cheers! John.
It has been said that the difference between a "pilot" and an "aviator"
is that a pilot is a technician,and an aviator is an artist in love
with flight.
JohnReid (Aviator)
Guide my hand in your work today.
Guide my hand in your work today.JWRR. My goal in life is to be as good a person as my dog already thinks I am.
My Photoshop: