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Me410 A-1: To The Finish! 11/7/10

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  • Member since
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Posted by Porkbits on Sunday, June 14, 2009 8:51 PM
Props to you Chuk! Especially for the Old Republic trailer. The internets has been blowing up with that one for a few weeks now. Much better than any of the prequels, so congrats on a job well done. :-) This MMO actually has promise, so hope they don't screw it up.

Dragon Age and Wolfenstein would be on the top of to-buy list this fall, but alack, with babies coming, my gaming days are coming to an end.

  • Member since
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  • From: Colorado
Posted by psstoff995 on Monday, June 15, 2009 9:58 AM
Sign - Ditto [#ditto] when that Jedi was killed and the light saber hit the ground, still smoking, that was sweeet!


US Army Infantryman

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  • From: A Computer in Adrian, (SE) Michigan.
Posted by Lucien Harpress on Monday, June 15, 2009 1:33 PM
I tell you what Chuk, that "Star Wars- Old Republic" is making me want to break my rule about not playing MMORPGS.... Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]  Seriously, between the game and the trailer, it's really, really, REALLY tempting.
That which does not kill you makes you stranger...
-The Joker
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Posted by smeagol the vile on Monday, June 15, 2009 3:02 PM
Have I said how much I hate you for working on all those big name videogames...


  • Member since
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Posted by Jim Barton on Monday, June 15, 2009 4:41 PM
Okay, chukw, I dug into the big container that I keep the extra stash of toothpicks, poker chips, napkins and other stuff for modeling and found the no-name cotton swabs. These swabs have a yellow plastic stick and come in a package of 600 of the danged things--I take out a couple dozen at a time and put them in a tall baby food jar on my workbench and the leftovers remain in the aforementioned big container. The package is a big clear-plastic blister package with blue cardboard and it just says, "COTTON SWABS." I think my ex-roommate got them at a 99-Cents Only store or perhaps a Q-Bargain if you happen to have one of those in the South Bay area.

"Whaddya mean 'Who's flying the plane?!' Nobody's flying the plane!"

  • Member since
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  • From: Germantown, Wisc.
Posted by Hartmann352 on Wednesday, June 24, 2009 8:33 AM

Boohoo [BH] no update?!?

Well, I know that perfection cannot be rushed.

Make a Toast [#toast], Dave

"Yesterday is history, Tomorrow a mystery, but Today is a gift. That is why it is called the "present".



  • Member since
    February 2003
Posted by Jim Barton on Wednesday, June 24, 2009 11:33 AM
I'm going through withdrawal!Sad [:(]

"Whaddya mean 'Who's flying the plane?!' Nobody's flying the plane!"

  • Member since
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  • From: Bethlehem PA
Posted by the Baron on Wednesday, June 24, 2009 11:37 AM

As a sidebar--

Jim, I saw your previous post and your mention about the cotton swabs.  I wanted to add a caution:  If you're going to use them with any kind of solvents, like acetone, I'd recommend getting the equally cheap generic swabs with the rolled paper shafts.  Acetone might start to soften and dissolve plastic ones, while you're working with them.

Of course, you can be like me, and dip a swab right into the can of acetone, and let it drop by mistake.  So now, my can of acetone has been diluted slightly by cotton and rolled paper, D'OH!

The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen.



  • Member since
    February 2003
Posted by Jim Barton on Tuesday, June 30, 2009 11:05 AM
Laugh [(-D]

"Whaddya mean 'Who's flying the plane?!' Nobody's flying the plane!"

  • Member since
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  • From: USA California
Posted by vetteman42 on Tuesday, June 30, 2009 11:14 AM
Sigh [sigh] This is worse than missing an episode of Survivor. Hope Chukw and his lil helpers are ok.

Randy So many to build.......So little time

  • Member since
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Posted by Jim Barton on Tuesday, June 30, 2009 11:28 AM
I was thinking the same thing.

"Whaddya mean 'Who's flying the plane?!' Nobody's flying the plane!"

  • Member since
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  • From: Spartanburg, SC
Posted by subfixer on Tuesday, June 30, 2009 3:39 PM
Have faith, chukw will be back.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help.

  • Member since
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  • From: South Central Wisconsin
Posted by Daywalker on Tuesday, June 30, 2009 9:49 PM
I miss Chuk.  Well, actually I REALLY miss Fritzi. Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]



  • Member since
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  • From: League City, Texas
Posted by sfcmac on Tuesday, June 30, 2009 10:08 PM

 Daywalker wrote:
I miss Chuk.  Well, actually I REALLY miss Fritzi. Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]

You know I was just thinking about Hannah as well. Hope they went somewhere and did something exciting during their time off! Tongue [:P]

  • Member since
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  • From: USA California
Posted by vetteman42 on Tuesday, June 30, 2009 11:27 PM
 sfcmac wrote:

 Daywalker wrote:
I miss Chuk.  Well, actually I REALLY miss Fritzi. Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]

You know I was just thinking about Hannah as well. Hope they went somewhere and did something exciting during their time off! Tongue [:P]

Boohoo [BH] I miss em all !!! All 7 of em Sign - Oops [#oops] I mean 3 of them Blush [:I]

Oh and the 410 too Big Smile [:D]

Randy So many to build.......So little time

  • Member since
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  • From: Arizona
Posted by delov on Thursday, July 2, 2009 2:24 PM
 vetteman42 wrote:
 sfcmac wrote:

 Daywalker wrote:
I miss Chuk.  Well, actually I REALLY miss Fritzi. Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]

You know I was just thinking about Hannah as well. Hope they went somewhere and did something exciting during their time off! Tongue [:P]

Boohoo [BH] I miss em all !!! All 7 of em Sign - Oops [#oops] I mean 3 of them Blush [:I]

Oh and the 410 too Big Smile [:D]


I hope they didn't get shipped off to the Eastern front.  You can never trust that guy in the black uniform. 

  • Member since
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  • From: Whidbey Island, Washington
Posted by chukw on Sunday, July 5, 2009 10:00 PM
Sorry to have been missing in action for so long, but a man's got to do what a man's got to do.   Things are okay, just really busy.  Thanks for your patience, kameraden!  Let's get on with it, shall we, Fritzi?

  • Member since
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  • From: USA California
Posted by vetteman42 on Sunday, July 5, 2009 10:58 PM

We wus worried about you chukw glad you are back Big Smile [:D] I really missed your posts. Fritzi seems to have aquaired a nice tan too.


Randy So many to build.......So little time

  • Member since
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  • From: Bournemouth UK
Posted by Luftwoller on Monday, July 6, 2009 2:23 AM

Well i think youve been spending too much time pandering to Fritzi's Back rubs. Sort yourself out soldier, this GB needs YOU!

Great installment Btw

Heres a good pick i found for this week,


..'Your an embarrassment to the human genus, makes me ashamed to call myself Homo'.
  • Member since
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  • From: Central CA
Posted by Division 6 on Monday, July 6, 2009 5:24 AM

Nice to see your back with us.

As always, nice instalment and quality work.Big Smile [:D]Thumbs Up [tup]



  • Member since
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  • From: Spartanburg, SC
Posted by subfixer on Monday, July 6, 2009 7:56 PM
Glad to see you're back, chuk.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help.

  • Member since
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  • From: A Computer in Adrian, (SE) Michigan.
Posted by Lucien Harpress on Monday, July 6, 2009 9:43 PM

"Spitfires are girlie planes."





Laugh [(-D]

That which does not kill you makes you stranger...
-The Joker
  • Member since
    February 2003
Posted by Jim Barton on Wednesday, July 8, 2009 12:43 PM

 subfixer wrote:
Glad to see you're back, chuk.


Same here.

"Whaddya mean 'Who's flying the plane?!' Nobody's flying the plane!"

  • Member since
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  • From: Pennsylvania
Posted by jay12472 on Wednesday, July 8, 2009 4:07 PM

great update! How did you ever come up with the idea of cutting the template out on dymo tape?


  • Member since
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  • From: Northern hemisphere - most of the time-
Posted by blkhwkmatt on Wednesday, July 8, 2009 6:10 PM

Great to see you are back, amazing stuff once again.



Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur!!! - Anything said in Latin sounds profound!



  • Member since
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  • From: Whidbey Island, Washington
Posted by chukw on Sunday, July 12, 2009 9:32 PM

You guys couldn't rock any harder- thanks!

We've had a tough week- or dear bulldog Dynamite had to have some pretty serious surgery to have her infection-ravaged ear canals removed.  Scary enough, but a bad drug reaction, breathing complications, runaway temperatures and additional surgery took us to the emergency vet late Friday.  We got her there just in the nick of time, and she stayed there till this morning when we brought her home.  She's doing okay but will need a lot of nursing and attention to get her back to her loving self.  Here's a pic of her with shaved fur, stitches and drains- poor puppy! Send your good vibes our way- she can sure use 'em!

I burned up a lot of nervous energy while waiting by attacking the plastic- I'll let the girls take it from here.  

  • Member since
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  • From: League City, Texas
Posted by sfcmac on Sunday, July 12, 2009 9:50 PM
 Well all righty then! Swimsuits and models! Nothing better to end the weekend!  Thanks!Bow [bow]
  • Member since
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  • From: Cleveland, OH
Posted by RadMax8 on Sunday, July 12, 2009 10:32 PM

Chuk, sorry to hear about your dog. Pets are so much a part of the family. I lost a cat after 14 years last winter. Would have made it a few more if it wasn't for the cancer. I've also got a German Shepard who's middle aged. Hope your buddy gets better in a hurry!

 Plane looks great. Glad you aren't covering up that nice motor!

  • Member since
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  • From: Yokosuka, Japan
Posted by luftwaffle on Sunday, July 12, 2009 10:37 PM

Thanks for another entertaining and informative chapter, Chuk!

Sending out good vibes to Dynamite, hope she's back to her old self soon.

aka Mike, The Mikester My Website

"He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire."   -Winston Churchill

  • Member since
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  • From: USA California
Posted by vetteman42 on Sunday, July 12, 2009 11:25 PM

Chukw Sorry to hear the news about Dynamite hope she gets well soon, Ruby sends her vibes too. Thats Ruby in my avatar. Thanks for taking the time for the update this week too another outstanding episode of Me410.



Randy So many to build.......So little time


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