The D VII originated with Aurora, and it was considered among the best of their kits. When Aurora was finally closed down in the early 70s, Monogram bought that mold, and a load of other Aurora molds, primarily to prevent anyone else from buying them and bringing them onto the market. The Camel and the SE-5a were also part of that series. I don't recall that there was a Dr. I in the series, though, at least not that Monogram ever brought onto the market. I'll have to look that one up (Graham's "Remembering Monogram Models" and "Remembering Aurora Models" are excellent resources).
Monogram's A-7 in 1/48 is also originally an Aurora kit. That one has been called the best aircraft model that Aurora did.
This is a great thread, it's nice to see the Monogram Modeler Club show its numbers