When watching any flick, I expect to be entertained first... that's first priority for me personally. If the film is historical in nature, like this one, I can then only hope that the filmmakers haven't gone ape with the Hollywood treatment.
Looking at the trailer, it seems that 'ole George and crew have so far given us a strange mix of spot-on and W-T-F?!?!? Some of the markings on the 109s are, ummm, interesting. Same with the Silbers. And the Forts too, although they do appear to be accurate... just the wrong kind of accurate. Also, the P-40s are the wrong variant and... well... I'm a P-40 nut, so I probably notice a lot more funny stuff about these P-40s than most folks.
The overall quality of the CGI stuff is somewhat inconsistent... and I hope that what we are seeing here is not the finished product, but just a polished rush created for the trailer.
The basic story points, as related in the trailer, seem to be more or less in line. I hope that Hollywood does not beat up on history here, but I guess we'll have to wait for the finished product to judge fairly.
They've still got a few months before release... I really hope that they make some changes, especially regarding the accuracy issues with some of the aircraft markings and other details. However, even if they do not make any corrections, and as long as they don't go ape with the story, I think I'll probably enjoy it.
However it turns out, this film looks as though it will probably, at the very least, paint a composite picture of what it was like to be an AAF airman over there. Kinda like 'Memphis Belle'...not so historically accurate regarding the main characters, but acceptably accurate (mostly) as an overall representation... and thoroughly enjoyable.
Anyhoo, here's some grabs from the trailer...
Fade to Black...