First let me ask a Question. Do any of you wash your windows on your car everyday, much less while under fire or at war? I know I don't or wouldn't! I may not have listed this in the right section but since I am an aircraft modeler I felt it appropriate. I am a member of three forums and intend to post tis on all of them.
I was at a show this past weekend of which I also judged, and I entered 10 models. this event was judged in the Gold, Silver, Bronze form as apposed to 1,2,3, I feel that at no time am I less than bronze, of the 10 I received 1 silver and 5 bronze with 4 not getting anything. REALLY? The biggest complaint was TOO MUCH SILVERING/WEATHERING, or specs in the windscreen, REALLY? An example of too much silvering on my model per the judges.
and an example of specs on windscreen
REALLY? Come on people this is taking things just a little out of the realm of reality, I DO NOT BUILD MUSEUM MODELS, I build down in the dirt battle wagons. I guess they would say these plane have toooo much weathering too and would deem them UNAIRWORTHY.
I have No problem being hit by glue shine, fingerprints in paint, Gaping hole at wing root or fuselage seam, but where do they get off telling me "I AM WRONG" with my weathering. I even had one say that I was wrong in having a seam line on the lower part of my He111 nose where the windscreen meets the Fuselage, when as you can see in this photo that there IS clearly a seam there
I was also hit By an "Illegal" loadout on F-4C cause I have 1 different AIM on my rack, what the HECK is that all about?
I think most judges just don't even have any ideawhat they are talking about even some of the ones who build aircraft. I research every plane I build extensively and Have about 15years as a bodyman who has worked on all kinds of metal to be painted and have seen some pretty messed up metal and some WELL WORN paint on that metal.
IF you are a judge, come down OFF that High Horse you are on and judge the construction of the model and lay off the subjective WEATHERING of said model, that is the ARTISTRY of this beloved Hobby and YOU have NO right telling anyone they are WRONG or it is TOO MUCH. Get over yourself and look at real planes and not those "GOT TO BE SHOWROOM QUAILITY CAR MODEL PLANES" I do NOT build those!!!!! I guess you most likely still think the examples I've shown here are not real, well they are and they show wear. In war especially WWII they were less worried about how something looked and more about could it fly and shoot and if not they patched and fixed and sent it out not bothering to wash the Windshield, and that comes straight form the mouth of a good friend who is 89 years old AND WAS There!!!!!!
So let me have it!!! If I am wrong prove it. I admit I do not know all there is to know but I do have a good start. I may be wrong with my load out on my F-4C but it seemed logical that as they run out of one type of arms they would load something in its place and how do you call something that is meant to Kill " Illegal" in how it is loaded?
Just my thoughts,