Bish, mississippivol, Patrick, and Stik - thanks guys, appreciate the comments.
Antoni - thanks for that specific bit of info.
Back in January, I had chatted with Nick Millman (he runs the blog Aviation of Japan) for his views on the Claude's unique colour. To quote '... an anodising film or clear varnish was applied over the natural metal giving a reportedly "gold" effect'.
No mention of aging being the key factor, though I can appreciate it possibly being so.
John, thanks for your question.
Basically the overall colour started off with a steel finish, after which I sprayed on some clear orange. It looked too overpowering, so I created an approx. 50/50 mix of aluminum with clear orange to tone it back. Reason I switched over to aluminum was simple, ran out of steel. This mix also included future, and I should mention some clear yellow was also used at the start, but by the end I had eliminated that from the formula.