well I made some more progress, the exhausts are ready to paint, the vertical stabilizer is just about ready for filling and sanding(lots of low spots from the plastic being so thick), the belly bomb racks are almost ready for sanding( the centers of each piece shrank out of the molds and had monster ejector pin marks), then they'll be ready to be corrected to hold four bombs each instead of the kit supplied two.
This kit is going to consume a lot of Mr. Surfacer and putter before I get to the point of painting the camo, which is another sticking point, the chosen color is Desert Pink with a 301XX FS number, I don't have the number here in front of me to reference, but I have no idea what the color actually is, tomorrow I'll post the FS number and see if anyone here might know.
Tonight its back to sanding and filling, one things for sure, by the time this build is over, I'll have a completely new respect for newer kits....................