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1/48 Bf109F-4 Zvezda COMPLETED !!!!

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    June 2014
1/48 Bf109F-4 Zvezda COMPLETED !!!!
Posted by BrandonK on Tuesday, January 13, 2015 4:00 PM

I am building this one for the Bf109 GB and I thought you guys might enjoy following along on this adventure. This is a complicated and highly detailed kit that I am adding resin and PE to as well as some scratch built add-ons. 

This build is going to go on for some time and I will likely be moving slow to make sure I do the best I can. So, here goes. 

1/48 Zvezda Bf109F-4. The kit contains 210 parts on 6 sprues including one clear. I have added the following to the kit to improve upon it, although the kit is amazing and they really are not needed.

Quickboost Exhaust

Quickboost Engine Pump

Quickboost Air intake and Ailerons

S.B.S. Resin cockpit set with PE

Eduard Luftwaffe seat belt set

Authentic Decals decal set for the Russian Front, I will be using Yellow 1, second one down on the sheet shown in the photo.

First impressions of the kit is that it is without a doubt the finest quality kit I have ever seen, bar none. The detail throughout is just stunning and there is no flash anywhere on any sprue including the smallest parts. The kit appears to have all the parts to build an F-2 with parts added to convert it to an F-4. So, there is likely to be bits left over for spares.

The panel lines and rivet detail are extra fine and if one is not careful you could eliminate them. This should leave a very realistic model when done. The clear parts look as if they have already been dipped in Future, nice! The instructions are very detailed and quite clear. There is very little wording but it states what to do to build one of 4 versions and has a separate diagram for each one rather than one diagram, 4 parts and some hope on your part. 

I plan to move through it very methodically as I want to do an extra good job on it. I plan to display it with cowling open to show off the engine detail and all the bits I will add as I go. This is going to be one very nice bird. 

On the bench:

A lot !! And I mean A LOT!!

2024 Kits on deck / in process / completed   

                         14 / 5 / 2  

                              Tongue Tied

  • Member since
    April 2005
  • From: Piscataway, NJ!
Posted by wing_nut on Tuesday, January 13, 2015 4:30 PM

Great kit with some nice upgrades.  I'll be watching.  Nice scheme choice too.


  • Member since
    January 2015
Posted by BrandonD on Tuesday, January 13, 2015 8:07 PM

Love that paint/marking scheme. I didn't realize the Zvezda kits were so nice! Those extras should really make it shine, too.


  • Member since
    February 2012
  • From: Olmsted Township, Ohio
Posted by lawdog114 on Tuesday, January 13, 2015 9:27 PM

Very Nice!  I've heard this is the best F out there.  I look forward to your progress..


 "Can you fly this plane and land it?...Surely you can't be serious....I am serious, and don't call me Shirley"





  • Member since
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  • From: Naples, FL
Posted by tempestjohnny on Wednesday, January 14, 2015 10:00 AM

I'll be watching this closely too.  I'm doing Graf's  G-2. Yellow 11 for the GB


  • Member since
    June 2014
Posted by BrandonK on Wednesday, January 14, 2015 7:11 PM

Ok folks. The detail on the engine is just stunning. The engine, unlike most others, is NOT molded in with an ignition harness. There for I will need to scratch one up. Which is something I wanted to do anyway. What I want to know is what ideas you guys have as to how to go about this. Suggestions?

Yes, I've seen the PE set for that and I don't care for it. I'm thinking polystyrene rod and copper wire. Ideas?

On the bench:

A lot !! And I mean A LOT!!

2024 Kits on deck / in process / completed   

                         14 / 5 / 2  

                              Tongue Tied

  • Member since
    April 2005
  • From: Piscataway, NJ!
Posted by wing_nut on Thursday, January 15, 2015 7:38 AM

The good thing is you are not going to have a problem finding reference photos.  The halls of the internet are wallpapered with themWink  Copper wire is s good choice.  I would anneal it to make it even more pliable.  I like to use solder and varied thicknesses.  Soft and easy to shape.  This can also be rolled under a file to give it surface texture if you need something that looks like a hose with a woven cover or some other textured surface.  

If you have a hose the have a connector with band clamps, use a wire that has  an insulator.  Take off small section to cut to short lengths and slip that back on the wire at-the desired location.  The band clamps can be made with strips of bare metal Foil of silver painted cellophane tape.

I agree that engine is a real gem.  i ended up doing my my F with the cowl closed but had the engine sitting around for a while just to look at.


  • Member since
    June 2014
Posted by BrandonK on Thursday, April 2, 2015 12:01 PM

Ok folks, sorry it's been so long since my last update on this build, but I am just beyond busy with other projects.

I finally managed to get the engine completed and the detailing done on it. I added several resin bits and some PE to it as well as a great deal of scratch items. I plan to have only the left upper cowling open  on this plane for display so I focused on detailing only what can be seen. The left side of the engine is complete with wires and tubing but I did not do the same thing to the right side or the front of the engine as I will be covered up anyway.

I used lead free solder and aluminum wire to form the oil and coolant tubes and wires. The engine was given some PE bits on the supercharger, ignition harness and engine lift brackets. I added a resin intake and resin exhaust stacks as well. I then completed the ignition harness from each cylinder all the way up to its beginning point between the machine guns. That was a huge PITA!! I also added the hoses from the valve covers to the gear housing assy and ran many of the oil tubes over the top of the engine and underneath. But, like I said, I didn't complete all the wiring or tubing to its final destination/s as it just won't be visible in the end anyway. I just about lost my mind taking it this far.

I am nearing completion of the cockpit and will get shots up on it ASAP.

On the bench:

A lot !! And I mean A LOT!!

2024 Kits on deck / in process / completed   

                         14 / 5 / 2  

                              Tongue Tied

  • Member since
    January 2015
  • From: Tumwater, WA.
Posted by M. Brindos on Thursday, April 2, 2015 12:36 PM

That's a beautiful engine! :D

- Mike Brindos "Lost Boy"

  • Member since
    February 2012
  • From: Olmsted Township, Ohio
Posted by lawdog114 on Thursday, April 2, 2015 6:20 PM

Looking good Brandon.  Unfortunately you may find that looks can be deceiving.  If your like me you will want to throw this thing into a wall before your done.  I hated this kit.  Maybe you'll have less headaches than me.  


 "Can you fly this plane and land it?...Surely you can't be serious....I am serious, and don't call me Shirley"





  • Member since
    June 2014
Posted by BrandonK on Thursday, April 2, 2015 6:59 PM

I'm not having any issues with it at all. I am moving very slow and fitting things many many times before I move on to assembly. The kit is full of small flimsy bits and forces me to move like a snail. This is definitely not a weekend kit, but that's ok, I like a challenge.

On the bench:

A lot !! And I mean A LOT!!

2024 Kits on deck / in process / completed   

                         14 / 5 / 2  

                              Tongue Tied

  • Member since
    June 2014
Posted by BrandonK on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 2:40 PM

Alas, it's finally time for another update. I've been very busy and can't dedicate very much time on this kit at the moment. So, with a few minutes a few times a week I am making slow progress.

I began the cockpit with factory kit bits and removed them all and added a CMK resin cockpit along with thier PE bits and some from Eduard as well. I also added some cockpit plaques using Airscale decals to bring it more to life.

I painted it with Mr Color 116 RLM 66 over all and washed it with Flory black wash. I hand painted most of the wiring and tubing and gave it a light dry brushing with Mr Metal Color Aluminum. The resin cockpit is very nicely detailed and really doesn't need any thing else but I felt like pimping this one out so I just went nuts with the PE and details. Now that I have this much done here I can close the cockpit up and attach the shoulder belts. I can't install them until I close it due to how this kit assembles. 

I know some have complained that this kit is a PITA to build, but I find it to be no problem. I move slow and make sure I have a perfect fit before I glue parts and I also plan my attack on how to attach and glue and hold them before I do so and I have not had any problems thus far. This kit is not a shake and bake kit and will require patience, but the fit is excellent and the parts are very nicely detailed. If you like detail, then this kit will appeal to you. If you don't like messing with A LOT of little fiddly bits during assembly, then this kit may give you a stroke. 

On the bench:

A lot !! And I mean A LOT!!

2024 Kits on deck / in process / completed   

                         14 / 5 / 2  

                              Tongue Tied

  • Member since
    June 2013
Posted by bvallot on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 5:09 PM

Looks to be coming along nicely! =]

On the bench:  

Tamiya F4U-1  Kenneth Walsh


  • Member since
    August 2013
Posted by Jay Jay on Thursday, April 16, 2015 8:57 AM

TY for posting your progress .

You've given me the inspiration I sorely need for attempting ( for the 1st time ) the complete Edward PE set for my 1/48 Monogram B-26.  Since my model has scant detail I wanted to spruce it up "a bit " with the detail set.  When it arrived I was overwhelmed by the parts count and I didn't know where to start.  your "1 little detail at a time "  renewed my confidence and I will continue onward and upward a little at a time.






 I'm finally retired. Now time I got, money I don't.

  • Member since
    June 2014
Posted by BrandonK on Monday, June 22, 2015 10:05 AM

Quick update:

Sorry for the long delay between updates but life has me far too busy to work much on this kit or check the forums like I want to. So, here is what I have completed thus far.

This Zvezda kit is just outstanding in every regard but it requires a slow building process due to its high quantity of fiddly bits. You just can't rush the building process on this kit. If you try to hurry you will regret it. The fit and detail on this kit is just plane stunning.

As a quick reminder I have added a large amount of PE and resin to this build so what you see is not exactly what one would get straight from the box. I have so many left over parts that if I had a fuselage and wings I could build another plane. 

Since my last update I have closed the fuselage and attached the nose, wings and all the control surfaces. The cockpit is completed and all the PE is installed there and I have masked the canopy using Montex masks which I personally believe to be superior to Eduard masks by a long shot, but remember any mask beats doing it from scratch. Once I get the inside of the canopy painted I will install the pilot's rear armor plate and close it up so I can get this kit in primer. When I get that done is anyone's guess. 

So without making you read more here are the pics of where I stand today. Thanks for looking.


On the bench:

A lot !! And I mean A LOT!!

2024 Kits on deck / in process / completed   

                         14 / 5 / 2  

                              Tongue Tied

  • Member since
    June 2014
Posted by BrandonK on Saturday, June 27, 2015 11:04 AM

I am just stunned at the lack of activity on my last two WIP's. My Spitfire came out pretty nice, but got very little attention. This kit is coming along nicely, if not slowly, but again is getting virtually no traction in the forums. I feel like I am wasting my time stopping and taking photos and making posts that get overlooked or just aren't cared for. Whether it's my builds or me, the end result is the same, it just isn't worth the time and effort to show you guys how it's going if it's going to be ignored.

Therefore I am not going to waste everyone's time posting things they just don't care to see. I will build my kits and post the completed one's I think you may like.


On the bench:

A lot !! And I mean A LOT!!

2024 Kits on deck / in process / completed   

                         14 / 5 / 2  

                              Tongue Tied

  • Member since
    April 2015
Posted by Mopar Madness on Saturday, June 27, 2015 8:15 PM
Gosh Brandon, sure looks like a nice build. Personally, I don't respond to as many build blogs and posts that I'd like to. With many new fantastic posts popping up daily around the forum, I just don't have enough time to comment on everyone's fantastic builds, including your fantastic build. Don't stop man, you're a good modeler and you don't need others comments or approval to prove that. Just go back and look at those great build pics you've already posted, that's your proof! If your having fun and enjoy what you produce, it's NEVER a waste of time.


God, Family, Models...

At the plate: 1/48 Airfix Bf109 & 1/35 Tamiya Famo

On deck: Who knows!

  • Member since
    March 2015
  • From: Streetsboro, Ohio
Posted by Toshi on Saturday, June 27, 2015 8:46 PM

Brandon, I'm new here, so I'm just learning to navigate through the different threads as well as tips in regards to model kits.  If I may say, your build is definitely a high quality and an amazing rendition of the actual aircraft.  I can only speak for myself; "I will definitely read and reply to your threads in this regards, not only out of respect but, the knowledge I gain".  Thank you Brandon, I hope you change your mind.


On The Bench: Revell 1/48 B-25 Mitchell


Married to the most caring, loving, understanding, and beautiful wife in the world.  Mrs. Toshi



  • Member since
    June 2013
Posted by bvallot on Saturday, June 27, 2015 8:51 PM

Mopar Madness has a point.  It's never a waste.  Someone will find this page tomorrow or a year from now and may uncover a very basic skillset for the first time and it changes the way they do everything until they improve some more.  Sometimes the subject doesn't appeal to the majority of people and won't attract a lot of attention.  Whatever the case, push on.  Complete your build for you.  Someone will eventually be building this and have a hang up that perhaps you had too and you're providing a road map to solving it. Never surrender.  =]

On the bench:  

Tamiya F4U-1  Kenneth Walsh


  • Member since
    June 2014
Posted by BrandonK on Saturday, June 27, 2015 9:08 PM

You know you guys are totally right. I've had a lot of frustration and stress in life of late and I let it roll over  into the forums. I should have bit my tongue, but I chose to vomit in here instead. Bad call on my part. I know the forums are a busy place and very welcoming and friendly, that's why I chose to be here. It is truly the spirit that ebbs and flows in these forums that makes the builds so much more enjoyable.

I think bvallot hit it on the head. Sometimes some subjects just don't garner much excitement. I have to remember that just because I like it doesn't mean someone else will also.

I'll get it knocked out and in paint soon. This one has a tricky scheme so I will endevour to persevere.

Thanks guys for your support, sorry to vomit on you like that.  Big Smile

On the bench:

A lot !! And I mean A LOT!!

2024 Kits on deck / in process / completed   

                         14 / 5 / 2  

                              Tongue Tied

  • Member since
    April 2013
Posted by KnightTemplar5150 on Saturday, June 27, 2015 9:37 PM
It's been a strange day all around, Brandon - must be some weird astrological thing at work here. Shake it off and get back to building that bird.
  • Member since
    September 2012
Posted by GMorrison on Saturday, June 27, 2015 9:40 PM

B- every other model I post I get crickets.

 Modeling is an excuse to buy books.


  • Member since
    March 2012
  • From: Corpus Christi, Tx
Posted by mustang1989 on Saturday, June 27, 2015 10:20 PM

Keep at it partner and persevere. I'll be watching.............


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  • Member since
    August 2013
Posted by Jay Jay on Sunday, June 28, 2015 9:21 AM

I'm so glad you decided to continue posting on your BF 109.

I ,for one, don't always respond because in your case, I have run out of accolades  to express my amazement of your skills and I do not not want to let words like awesome or fantastic become trite or overdone.

I am very much enjoying each installment of your W.I.P,s and learning much from your experience. If you fail to post further progress on your builds, to me it would be like removing key referance material from the public library.  Even 1 little candle can light up a whole room.  Be that candle for those that need your light.






 I'm finally retired. Now time I got, money I don't.

  • Member since
    June 2014
Posted by BrandonK on Sunday, June 28, 2015 10:30 AM

Thanks guys, I won't let life get the better of me in here again. I've thrown my sippy cup on the floor and I feel much better now.

On the bench:

A lot !! And I mean A LOT!!

2024 Kits on deck / in process / completed   

                         14 / 5 / 2  

                              Tongue Tied

  • Member since
    March 2013
Posted by patrick206 on Sunday, June 28, 2015 3:05 PM

Brandon - I'll echo the thanks from others, on learning that you will continue to hang out with us and share your builds. Very nice of you, LOT'S of really valuable tricks and techniques that you always send our way, you've helped my modest efforts considerably. Thanks, Brandon, well done.

At a strictly personal level, to you I'll extend my regrets that richs26 saw fit to release such a demeaning and unwarranted tirade toward you. Conduct not befitting FSM Forum expectations I'll venture to say, his words speak for him, not the rest of us.

Bad form. richs26, would you like to have a take back and redo????


  • Member since
    June 2014
Posted by BrandonK on Sunday, June 28, 2015 3:14 PM

Thanks Patrick. His response, although harsh, was a good bucket of cold water to the face that I needed to make me re-examine my thoughts. No harm done, water under the bridge. I can be a duck and shake it off.

On the bench:

A lot !! And I mean A LOT!!

2024 Kits on deck / in process / completed   

                         14 / 5 / 2  

                              Tongue Tied

  • Member since
    February 2011
  • From: Bent River, IA
Posted by Reasoned on Sunday, June 28, 2015 10:51 PM


I think bvallot hit it on the head. Sometimes some subjects just don't garner much excitement. I have to remember that just because I like it doesn't mean someone else will also.

Bah, that may be the case with other subjects but this is a F variant to boot! It's the very definition of excitement Wink

Nice build BTW.

Science is the pursiut of knowledge, faith is the pursuit of wisdom.  Peace be with you.

On the Tarmac: 1/48 Revell P-38

In the Hanger: A bunch of kits

  • Member since
    September 2012
Posted by GMorrison on Sunday, June 28, 2015 11:26 PM

My father in law "owned" a 109. He liked to say wings from an E, canopy from an F, fuse from a G and what the Hell.

 Modeling is an excuse to buy books.


  • Member since
    March 2012
  • From: Corpus Christi, Tx
Posted by mustang1989 on Monday, June 29, 2015 4:08 AM

Looking forward to some updates here..........Big Smile


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