Thanks all! Just remember, I'm learning constantly. This was the first model where I opened access panels. I learned that from someone else's post. Using Eduard masks is a god send and really helps if you unsure of hand trimming canopy masks. It was the first time I uesd them too. It was just the second time that I super-detailed a radial engine and the first time I did it in 1:32. I've only been using Future finish over the last couple of years, and just started using wine bottle foil for detail straps and other things.
In other words, while I've been modeling for 63 years, I'm still learning and trying new techniques. You just have to try.
I may post the refinery build since it technically is a plastic kit. "Kit" is a loose definition of the term since it's really a massive scratch-build project with the raw materials packed by Plastruct. Even the plans aren't in scale. They're given in scale feet so everything has to be custom measured using instruments. I'm toying about scanning them and enlarging to O'scale (1:48) so I can use the plans directly.