Sorry to here you been ill, best wishes for a quick recovery.
The Corsair is looking really good, i thought that was a Montex mask on the tail until i read your coments. Thats really well done. How are you making these masks.
Thanks Bish, I am on the mend, another day and should be OK.
The masks are really simple to make, I use Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop and a scanner. The "LD" was the easiest, just found the correct typeface scaled to correct size and outlined to a path. I
My local signwriter is kind enough to run them out on his vinyl cutter. I'm considering buying my own vinyl cutter at some stage in the very near future.
For the star and bars I used the original decal as a base, which I scanned. Then within Illustrator, I re-created it as a vector graphic, found the correct typeface for the Marines type and she was done. It took all of 10mins and a trip to have it cut.