It's time for my yearly Tamiya Jug therapy build. This kit, as well as their Razorback, is my go-to kit that I build when I need to go back and remember why I stuck with scale modeling all of these years. After a few stinkers, I thought about giving up and going back to video games for stress relief. Then the Tamiya Razorback jug entered my life and that was it..I was hooked. I realized not all kits build up like Mongram's P-38 or P-61 and I could actually build something I'd be proud to display.
As I've said, I've been itching to do another Jug for awhile, so I'm going with two of my favorite subjects, the Tamiya Jug and the 56th FG. The 56th absolutely gave the Luftwaffe nightmares. So many great pilots, Gabreski, Johnson, Schilling Zemke to name a few. So what's actually better than a Tamiya Jug? Two of course!
Actually I have been tasked with building two similar schemed 56th FG Jugs for different people, so I decided to build them at the same time for efficiency. The first will be 62 FS David Schilling's "Hairless Joe". Schilling became the 56th CO after Zemke was Pow'ed. On December 23rd 1944, he downed 2 Bf 109 and 3 Fw 190 fighters in one mission. He would ultimately be credited with 22.5 kills.
The second will be Gabby Gabreski's bubble top. Schilling's Hairless Joe will get the lion's share of the attention as I don't want to steal Hoss's thunder over in his fantastic build thread. I hope mine turns out half as nice as his. Gabreski was a "wizard" with the P-47 and he would become the leading ace in the ETO against the Luftwaffe with 28 kills.
I started with the cockpits. They are awesome out of the box. I mixed about half XF-58 Olive Green with XF-8 Blue to come up with my own Republic's "Dull Dark Green". I tried somthing different and dybrushed a bit of light green here and there on the green edges. It's subtle but I like the effect. I added some Eduard PE belts, which I sourced from my stash.
Both together. I painted them identical. One got the K-14 gunsight though, essentially because I felt like it.
The instrument dials were the kit decals. I made sure they fit correctly this time.
The pits fit perfectly into the fuselage....
I should be closing them up soon.