This is all looking good. Way to go guys!
I finally have recovered enough from two months of fighting illnesses and can start posting some of my progress again. This is actually work that I got done before I got sick, but never had the chance to post until now.
I'll start with one of the train cars I started to do before. I got the top and bottom attached and clamped it to dry:
You can also see the two turrets for this car that were assembled and sanding a bit to improve the look on them.
After it dried, I dry-fit the turrets to see how well they looked:
I still have a lot of photo etch to add to this, but first, I taped off the top and added Mr. Surfacer 500 to the joint so I can fill the joint and sand it smooth without losing all the surface detail on the top half of this train car:
And that's all I was able to get done before I got sick. Once I get my hobby room put back together and my workbench cleared off, I'll get started back on this project.
Thanks for looking in.