Well, assembly is pretty much done, and a first color coat on. Sticking with the green so far, not sure on what I may add to it. The 'dozer blade came out OK, but I can see why I haven't seen pics of M1s with blades: when the blade is up, the driver's view is totally blocked. Hmmm....
I'm going for a "workshop modded" IPM1 with the 120mm gun, hence the OD paint on the turret front. I added about 3/8" of laminated plastic card there to represent the added armor, and used OD green instead of the darker forest green on the rest of the tank. The side skirts are OD green as well, but I'll probably re-spray those darker, or maybe a variety of colors, like sand, OD and dark green, just to get a "cobbled-together" look. That's also why I'm staying with the older tracks.
Still plonking along......