The plot thickens with this scheme. I just can't get my head around the photo on he left being the same type VII u-boat. It seems to be quite different, the saddle tanks seem lower down the hull, the deck around the conning tower is narrower, there is an exaggerated slope down to the stern of the boat. In comparison, the saddle tanks on the kit are quite close to the deck.
I've found another photo of U-33 wearing the same scheme as on the left, see below, it's the 2nd u-boat from the right. This one has it captioned as a Spanish Civil War scheme from 1937. Looking closely at the conning tower , it proves that the design of the camouflage was asymmetrical when comparing port to starboard, but unless I believe that the left photo above is U-33, I don't have a photo of that side.
The right photo above and the photo below are 100% consistent in terms of the pattern of the scheme. However the little bit of conning tower shown in the photo below is not consistent with the left photo above.
If it is indeed U-33, it was quite different to the Type VII as depicted by Hobby Boss, and it probably isn't appropriate to use this kit to depict this scheme.
I seem to get stuck at this point on a lot of models...this time I'm going to make a decision and complete the build. At the moment it looks like going back to a standard grey scheme, unless I can find more clarity on the scheme above.