That brings back some fond childhood memories for me.. In Henderson Park on Bergstrom AFB in the 60s there was a T-33 sitting there on it's gear and the canopy had been busted open by vandals once upon a time.. Me and a few friends would turn it into a B-17, somewhere over "Der Vaterland" with two of us in the 'pit, and the rest inside the fuselage area, using open inspection panels for the "waist gun" windows and the tail-pipe for the rear stingers... I know I musta logged over 200 "missions" in that thing, lol...
Down to business...
Ok... Blanket extensions will be granted for everyone, just this ONCE... The absolute, drop-dead, don't care that your went to jail, dog died, wife ran-off-with-the-Fed-Ex-guy-that-delivered-your-Ebay-kit-purchases-for-this-build, cut-off date is 11 November 2011, Veteran's Day... Those of you that're lagging, get frakin' hot... Those that're Made, get another kit in the bag, or get ready for round two, Tenative start-date is 1 March 2012, with a cut-off time TBD later... More info on that will happen in THIS thread, but no separate thread will be posted prior to this one shutting down, and those that have "friends" in here may want to consider "recruiting"... And don't forget the Sci-Fi guys... (Only one of those guys will have to either kiss m' ring, or he can choose another part of my anatomy to kiss if he wants in.. Won't say who out loud, he knows who he is..)
For Round II, I will expanding the kit manufacturer choices to include others like HAWK, Testor's-Italeri, Testor's HAWK, Heller, Tamiya, pre-merger Revell AMT, etc... But as with this build, think 50's/60s/70/s... will help you in determining kits and eras...
Glad to hear y'all having fun, now it's time to earn the mark...
Now from today until then, no excuses, no nothing, git 'er done or you'll be sleeping with the Kingfishers...
Nothing short of an Act of God/War will stop y'all, clear?