Here's todays update. The pics I am able to show you were taken yesterday though.
I still owe you some pics of the ambush-camo:
I hope the dots look good enough. I never had to paint something that small without a template...
Note the different form on the brown area in the center of this pic:
The shiny areas are spots where I had to do some tough-ups.
Painting all those dots was probably the most frustrating part of the whole build so far, but I still had lots of fun!
I applied a coat of gloss varnish (Alclad) to protect the paint:
And now to the part I was utterly scared of: Applying the whitewash. I didn't want to screw up all the camo work, so I had a very bad feeling while spraying the whole kitten with Vallejo Air white:
You can't see it in the pics, but I applied the white paint in a blotchy pattern.
I removed the paint after it was dry using Vallejo AB thinner (it isn't as "hot" as my other solvents, so it didn't harm the Alclad varnish protecting the ambush-camo).
Here's a pic I took after the first side was "weathered":
I made a lot of progress since taking those pics, but I didn't take any pics. I'll post some more tomorrow though.
I "weathered" whitewash on the whole tank, including the fenders. Then I applied a black-brown oil wash to bring out some details. I also got most of the streaking done (black and dark brown oil paint), but I still have to add all the white streaking in the areas without whitewash (just to blend everything together). The tools are mostly painted as well and jsut need a treatment with oil wash.
I still have to add all the mud to the lower hull, roadwheels and track and I only managed to complete one of the tracks, so I need to work on the 2nd one as well. I don't really think any chipping is necessary on this vehicle, because I did a lot of chipping of the white paint already, which is enough IMO.
I hope i can get her done untill tomorrow (it's going to be really close though - 11:59 PM or something like that), but I might need another day or two...
I hope you like it.
Cheers, Clemens