Updating the front page for you Budd. Nice looking machines, you bargain bin raider!!!
PaperPanzer - you just couldn't wait could you!!!! Post up your start pics for now, just to get the gang interested.
Yep! (Sorry, I couldn't help myself, I was getting jumpy there!

) I decided to start early, after finishing a different project, but I didn't know about the forum updates until after they were in affect, grrrrr... going to get some going used to.
So far I'm onto basic assembly, so I have made some progress already, but due to my enjoyment of the subject and the simplicity of the kit, It didn't take long, though some additions were needed!
Now of course, the cat had to make her inspection...-
But in the end she decided I would be better at building it, "Now rub my tummy human!"-
Anyway... the cockpit detail is sparse, so some extra details from the spares bin and a figure should hide the areas devoid of details.-

While the paint on the interior walls dried, I tackled the lower vent. This and the fixed landing gear will be the hardest parts to build.-
All the major bits ready for assembly.-
Initial construction and then filler.-
Prop and hub added.-
That is the stage I am at so far. Decent kit overall, I added a spare instrument panel decal as well to the interior, and the figure required leg amputation in order to fit properly. (Ouch!)
I have been looking at a third possible entry to this GB, a Smer (essentially Heller rebox with better decals) 1/72 Caudron C.714C.1.
More to come!