DoogsATX - The more I see of that D520, the more I like the lines. A fairly small machine as well. Where is the road trip taking you - somewhere slightly cooler I hope??
It's an interesting design to be sure - pretty small but still significantly larger than an La-5 or Yak-3. To be honest, I'm in it mostly for the awesome camo scheme!
The road trip's taking me and the family to Colorado Springs. Probably about 12 degrees cooler on average than what's here in Austin. And on the way back we're looking to take the long way and hit the War Eagles air museum near El Paso. Tons of old aircraft to ogle, including I think the only Tupolev Tu-2 outside of the former USSR...

Should be some good reference for when my Xuntong Tu-2T comes (probably while I'm on the road...)