Sorry about the period of inactivity, It's been to hot around here to do anything, until recently, and I didn't want to post the final pics until after the start date.
Okay, down to business, the paint cured, it was time for the next step, final assembly.-
The pilot added.-
The roundel decals are in two parts...
In the meantime, I decided to make a simple display base. It is just 1/2 in. MDF, painted cheap sandpaper, and loose ground foam sprinkled over the wet paint out of a decommissioned shaker jar.-
Meanwhile, the underside received all it's markings.-
A piece of scrap styrene painted MM Military Brown was used for the description stand. It and the plane are secured with epoxy.-
This was my first attempt at using the manufacturer name decal as a description.-
Clumps of ground foam added for bushes.-
All cured next morning.- 
Then took it outside for a couple of pics.-

I'm calling this build done. By far the landing gear was the most difficult part, that alone took several days. The scheme follows the one on the box, but a reference book shows this aircraft in the plain green scheme you see here. In order to not get flak for it from certain individuals in the household, I swapped part of the registration numbers around. Oh well, can't be perfect. Now where's that Amiot...?