I see a lot of scratchbuilding going on from the Squawkies in Milwaukie...
I think that's key for large figures.
I haven't quite achieved panic level three where the to-do list comes out, but...
The kit came with a rubber band to make his scuba harness, what-the-heck tank on his chest straps, weight belt and boot straps.
Thin aluminum is needed. Open that Cabernet and save the capsule, Albert.
All of the lug nuts on his carapace/ helmet got carved off. Time to make some new ones, but they are slicko little fittings like Dzuz.
Oh and his scuba tanks and regulators hadn't actually been invented yet, so massive Steam Punk design required.
His rubber suit: I'm relying heavily on that excellent job done on Hans' shirt.
And the base? My sis is a deep sea diver on free weights, down to 120 feet. Asked her if she noted what the bottom looked like.
"Not so much, brother. I was looking up".
Of course in the movie they are in maybe 20 feet of water, out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
Kidwell- Conan looks good. A lot of fine detail at that scale. I would strongly recommend that while you are putting him together you start learning how to paint his skin. That swore me off John Carter.
And I REALLY don't want to know why there's that big socket on the front of his loin cloth.