Thanks Stik and all! Well, did I say something about a straight forward build? I got to it last night and one day later here's where she is:
There's a fair few small detail parts still to add, but I'm close to starting the scratch/superdetailing element. this will involve applique armour on the bow and around the driver's vision port, building the jerry can rack, and adding details on the inner face of the front fenders that were not possible within the limitations of moulding. Some details may be added in wire, also. It's based on Tony Greenland's rendition, and it seems he based his on Bovington Tank Museum's Pz. IV "Special," which began life as an Ausf. D in North Africa colours but ended up with a mixture of characteristics right up to Ausf. H. I trust Mr Greenland's research to have sorted out those details at least as well as I ever might.
I may primer-spray this project, something I don't often do, but the desert scheme will be a lot paler than the panzer grey in which the kit is moulded. The engineering of the kit is marvellous, it practically falls together, it's different as chalk from cheese compared to the Academy knock-offs, which while they are ostensibly the same kits, vary a lot in quality. (Their StuG IV builds nicely, their Pz. IV is a fight.)
I located another of the detail sets I'll be using, a Verlinden crew gear selection:
I have some Verlinden crates on the way, which probably finishes up the stowage selection -- I'll know better when I get to that aspect.
I'll probably put the project aside for a while and concentrate on finishing up some others, but I look forward to bringing this one together, it's a model that looks so good on paper that I'm very keen to add it to my collection.
Cheers, Mike/TB379