Well when we all last saw each other, back in October, I was chugging along making fast progress, singing the praises of the Hobbycraft Bf 109E. Then the honeymoon came to an abrupt end when it was discovered somewhere between the length of the horizontal stabilizer and the alignment holes, the stabilizers themselbes were out of line. And I' not talking alittle out of line. I mean they were pointing up at about 20-25 degrees. This guy here panicked, and she has remained at that stage ever since.
Well after a move, a holiday season, and 4 months stuffed back in the box, I got brave tonight and gave her another look. Now, I'm no 109 expert, so I do not know the length or the angle at which the struts are supposed to be at. But I did know that I did not want to deal with shortening the struts. So cutting off the alignment pins and winging seemed to be my only option. So I chopped the pins off, and gave it a go. Now the whole process almost seemed counterproductive. If I moved the stabilizer to the correct (flat) posistion, that moved the pin-less strut out of posistion. And if I realigned the strut, that in turn moved the stabilizer. Very frustrating.
Well, after about half an hour of "doing the dance" I got everything in an acceptable position. Not perfect, but close enough to call this 4 month roadblock cleared. Now the airframe is complete, save for the flaps, which are going to be lowered.