Steve, your Rufe diorama is shaping up very nicely!
The Mach-Poo Seamaster, not so much. The left fuselage has a very long "short shot" along the top, which I initially thought was just warpage.][/url]Seamaster-08 by N.T. Izumi, on Flickr
While idly farting around with the knife and glue, I discovered that the left side of the stabilizer bullet fairing is not only shorter than the right side, but the root for the stabilizer is shorter and not in line with the other one!][/url]Seamaster-09 by N.T. Izumi, on Flickr
I had to section the left bullet fairing in three places to line everything up. BUT - it's all in the fun when building a Mach-Poo kit! I was a little concerned that the extensive sanding that will follow would be a problem if I used regular (read: high quality) styrene to fill the gaps, so I heated up some sprue from the kit and flattened them with pliers to form raw material to plug the gaps. Now the bullet fairing is approximately symmetrical and the stabilizers (again approximately) line up.
I plan on separating the elevators and rudder anyway to better define them, and revising the fin to better represent the variable incidence feature, so the horrifying fit is not a problem.][/url]Seamaster-10 by N.T. Izumi, on Flickr
Fun, fun, fun. No really, it is. Honest!
The engine faces appear to be useable, but those are supposed to be J-75s in there. The intake bullets will be replaced and some stators will be added.][/url]Seamaster-11 by N.T. Izumi, on Flickr
A modeling buddy said I was delusional trying to build this thing, but so far depression has yet to set in. If I were a betting man, I'd wager Trumpeter/Hobby Boss will kit this thing before I'm done.