Thought it was about time i posted somthing on here. I built this kit once before many years ago, before i knew any better. As i understand its not all that accurate for a Type VIIB and some feature like the railings are to thick for scale. But i am not to worried about those with this build. My reasons for bulding this are, well, its the U-99, thats enough. But also so i can get some practicing at weathering before i tackle one of the big 72nd kits.
I started a few weeks ago when i had some spare time, just geting the flood holes drilled out and getting the hull and conning tower together.
Then after finishing my 251 a few days ago, i could focus on this. The deck was a bit of a pain. I put the front half on first and then when i put the rear half in, it overlapped by a couple of mill. I had to trim it an dthis has thrown the tower out by a fraction. You can also see plenty of sink holes that needed filling.
And then tonight i managed to get the construction done. I am leaving the deck gun off until after painting.
A couple of parts of the frame around the back of the tower had broken off and needed replacing with styrene rod. The 20m isn't all that well detailed, but it will serve.
Overall its gone together pretty well. Lots of flash to clean up, and of course all those sink holes.
I am going to focus on my Imperial Shuttle from tomorrow. But i plan on getting this primed and painted so by the time the shuttle is done, i can concentrate on weathering.
I am a Norfolk man and i glory in being so
On the bench: Airfix 1/72nd Harrier GR.3/Fujimi 1/72nd Ju 87D-3