Took some time away from plastic to take photos of the old Heritage Models ST:TOS gaming miniatures.
Up close, the scupts are kind of crude, as was my painting of them! I cringe! Didn't have (and didn't think I needed!) a magnifier back then.
The odd shape of Mr. Spock's head bothered me. The others are Kirk, McCoy, and Scotty. Don't know why I painted the Starfleet insignia in sliver instead of gold.
The bridge crew came in two parts, and I don't remember now who they packed with whom; but one of the sets came with the name-plate. These are supposed to be Rand, Sulu and Uhura. Strange, they didn't produce a Chekov.
A few of the sets came with an annoying seated figure, which didn't seem to be much good for anything. This is a set of generic, unspecified Federation types. I gave the sitting guy gray hair to make him look like some aging admiral.
Klingons. The female must be Kang's wife.
Romulans. The female must be the Romulan commander.
Andorians. They really cheaped out on these. Looks like there's only one pose. Most of the packs featured at least two poses. I bent arms and hands to try to make them look a little different.
I thought the Talosians' poses were strangely familiar, and then I found this.
It was the disco era when these were produced. ST:TMP hadn't even been released yet.
Memory Alpha has a little more information on these.