Your Enterprise is looking real nice! If you need any reference photo's let me know. I've been to see the refurbished filming model at NASM in DC a few times. I'm happy to share them.
Sitrep on my BOP.
I was planing on lighting the nacelles and ordered some LED's last night from China.
Today I started trying to figure out the details. The reality is that the wings have
no room for wires, both halfs fit flush.
This is a small kit as you can see.
The feed stubs are huge in relation to the kit.
The engineering on the kit is outstanding! all the flash/sprue attatchments are well
placed and clean up nice.
Fit is outstanding. This is the wings snapped in without any glue.
The last photo is the wings/body glued together and the nacelles are just dry fit.
I'm going to let things dry overnight and then start cleaning up the seams. given
how tight things are fitting I don't expect it to take too long.