Hey everyone. Well, I finally got some time to start the Secret Santa GB! But first I need to preface my entry with a tale of two kits. LOL! Let's see if I can make a long story short......It all started one cold winter day when...just kidding.
What happened was my secret Santa sent me my kit. But the Grinch somehow intercepted it and it was not delivered. BrandonK found that the kit had been delivered, but the day and time it was delivered, I was home and no package was delivered to my doorstep. So, BK, being the super Santa, sent another package (kit)! What a wonderful surprise! Thank you Brandon! It was a beautiful Zvezda 1/48 Yak-3!!! I was like a kid at Christmas again, but felt so bad for my original secret Santa. Well, time went on and around the beginning of March I was getting ready to start the Yak (literally..I had set all the parts out, wrote my notes on the instructions, and was ready to start building)..when the door bell rang. Any guesses as to what happened next? LOL! This gentlemen was standing at my door and asked if I was Bobby G. I said yes and he handed me a package from Delaware. He told me it had been delivered to his house, but he had been gone for sometime (in Europe I think he said). I don't remember much of what he said, due to the fact I was standing there dumbfounded at the arrival of this package. I thanked the man and proceeded upstairs again. I opened the package and found this...
I thought I had died and gone to heavan! I promptly PM'd BK and told him the story and asked if he would like his Yak-3 back. He educated me on it being a gift and you can't return gifts..again, thank you so much BK!!!!
So.........I decided to do both kits at the same time! I apologize for not posting pics as I did the build, but I will post them now in order. Some Christmas story huh?
To both my secret Santa and BK...thank you so much!!! They are awesome kits and I am having a blast building them both! May you both be blessed a hundred fold! Thank you!