Speaking of mine, I got some work done on it. I finished the cockpit and got the main assembly done last night.
I'm going to keep the rudder off and just paint the markings rather than dealing with the decals, and I'm considering painting the side markings with masks made with my sweet new Thinnerline circle cutter.
The only thing I need to do before adding the cowl is mount the engine. The engine mount is the one place this kit really falls down on. With it all buttoned up, there doesn't seem to be room to use the actual mounts, and that leaves it just sitting without positive locating points inside the nose, which is problematic, given that's how the prop and exhausts mount.
I've built one of these with the cowl off, and it was fine, and I managed to add the exhaust at the end of the build, so I'm hoping to do that here, too, so I don't have to mask them. I'll probably stick the prop on it and use that to line it up inside, then super glue it wherever it touches inside, because the last thing I want is to go to add the prop at the end of the build, push it onto the nose, and break the attachment points so I'm left without a prop shaft and a rattling engine.