Ok, I've been working on the MiG-21R.
Got the cockpit together, and since I'm going closed canopy on this one, I didn't bother weathering it much beyond a simple wash. I used the kit seat with provided SuperFabric seatbelts, and only after I'd closed it up got a pair of seats for it for almost free. Oh well. One can go in the MF I have in the stash, and the other can just sit in the spares box.
The fuselage halves joined beautifully, and Eduard provided a single-piece spine that joins with a half-and-half tail piece to really limit the centerline seam. The ventral fin helps with that underneath, and a nose piece helps up front.
I did buy the Barracuda shock cone that will let me install that piece after the build. They advertise it as being able to let you work on the interior seam in the intake, but you can't see it. What I like is not having to mask it, and being able to add nose weight when the build is over so I don't get it wrong and have a tail sitter.
One place this kit falls down a bit is on the wing join. My understanding is that this is specifitc to the MiG-21R and that the others don't have the issue. But what I ran into was about a 0.5mm gap where the lower fuselage (which is molded with the wings) joins at the leading edge area.
So I cut Evergreen sheet, shoved it into the opening and glued it, then came back with the sander.
So then it was time to lay down some primer and check the main assembly.
So now I have a little bit of cleanup after filling a few small joints with sprue goo, and then I need to add some fins and such, then it's on to paint.