Tales of the Omnibus - Chapter 3
Started working on the upper deck of the Omnibus. As you may have seen in one of my earlier posts, the floor of the upper deck is done and painted. I worked ahead on that piece, knowing it would be easier to get the painting done without having all the walls and seats to deal with.
So on to the bench seats. Here are a couple of the seats, that have various kinds of molding problems (such as the misshapen corner of the lower one), and the usual flash and burring typical of this kit. All of the seats look about like this.
For some reason, Airfix decided to mold the part numbers into the backs of the seats. Well, actually... four of the seats have the part numbers molded into the underside of the seats. Why, Airfix? Why didn't you put them ALL under the seats, so I wouldn't have to deal with them? The seat backs also have a nasty bit of plastic at the top that I think is supposed to be some sort of crash pad?
All the seats cleaned up as much as possible.
All the ejector pin marks and part number moldings removed from the seat backs, and filler applied. Sanding to follow.
All the bench supports have the ubiquitous ejector pin marks, but the other sides are flat so I'll just flip them around and they should be hidden.
The side walls needed some work to remove (you guessed it) heavy ejector pin marks. I decided to add in some styrene rails so the seats would have a better glueing point at the walls. I saw some video of a restored Omnibus that showed rails like that so I think it will work fine.
Finally for tonight's update, I had a bit of a dramatic setback. While moving an open container of lacquer thinner from one side of my bench to the other, a drop flew out and landed smack on top of the engine cover! I saw the drop fly out of the bottle but didn't see where it landed at first. When I did see it I quickly grabbed a paper towl and tried to wipe it off, but it had already eaten into the paint, and the primer, right down to the plastic. Sigh.
I took that picture after having sanded the area down a bit and smoothed it out. I am thinking about cutting the engine cover off the chassis because it's going to be so awkward to mask as it is. I have to explore the bond and see if that's possible.
Wish me luck on this fix.
P.S. Always put the cap on your lacquer thinner when moving it around!