Thought Finescale cut me off - but I guess not. There was more login trouble. Hopefully I'll get this build done.
Since I last posted I've moved operations from Minneapolis - the scene of the new French Revolution - to the San Francisco Bay Area which is the scene of utter insanity. But because everyone is supposed to stay inside, it doesn't matter as much as it might.
Anyway, the Valentine is more or less assembled and primed. The link and length tracks were a little tricky - and were hardly needed because the British version has skirts which hide all of the sag. Beyond that, it's simply a terrific kit.
After priming in black I put on an irregular "mottle" coat - part of it is thinned buff, some is a very light yellow oxide. This is a little bit like "black and white" weathering but I think it works better.
Mottle by Eric Bergerud, on Flickr
Next we'll apply a home made rendition of British "Light Sand." I used a sample from the very good AK Real Colors and think I have a good match. When that's down and the few decals put on, we move on to filters, oil rendering and a lot of pigments. Not sure if I'll have time to make a simple display sand.