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Floats and Boats GB 2022, extended to end of 2023

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Posted by BrandonK on Wednesday, February 22, 2023 9:46 AM

Nothing like posting things twice due to 403 forbidden error.

Okay, so Jared and Ben, this is a super cool build that is very very well done. I love that added bits for the time and location along with the scheme. Amazing workmanship and this is one of the nicest 196's I've ever seen. Well done; you should be super proud of this one, it is amazing. Thank you for joining and taking us all along.


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A lot !! And I mean A LOT!!

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  • Member since
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  • From: Corpus Christi, Tx
Posted by mustang1989 on Sunday, March 5, 2023 8:29 AM

Jared and Ben: You guys really knocked that one out of the park!!! I love the camo pattern that you excecuted very well and the details only put the cherry on top of a great build. Thank you for sharing the build here with us and for the magnificent finish. Both of you should be VERY proud of those efforts!! 


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  • Member since
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  • From: Corpus Christi, Tx
Posted by mustang1989 on Sunday, March 5, 2023 8:34 AM

Ok's time to start contributing to this GB after the completion of my Camaro. After opening the box from HELL (meaning the used kit) I found that this kit has already been started as well as violated in the process. I know......what did I expect from an already opened box that's 20+ years old already.

We're gonna call this "Exhibit A"

PE fret had parts cut from it ....


and PE braces/ rigging was totally destroyed by the last "builder" during installation....


Interior had been "started". I'm really hoping that this was a 10-year-old that attempted to build this kit. 


and most of the parts were cut from the sprues and alot of parts were missing.



Fortunately, the seller was honest and refunded the money that I spent on this kit. I've not always been so lucky. "Exhibit B" . A newly sealed kit that I used the refund money from "Exhibit A" to purchase.


I purchased a set of canopy masks from EZ Masks (Chris Loney in Canada) and will give these a try. To my knowledge....this is the only offering for canopy masks for this kit.


and now for the BIG news. I found a P6 Catapult on Shapeways that I had printed up for me to display this completed build on. Now I just need to find reference pictures for this beast in order to paint and weather it up.



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  • Member since
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Posted by BrandonK on Sunday, March 5, 2023 1:35 PM

Having build two of these already I don't have to tell you that you have your work cut out for you on this one. It's well worth it in the end and I am totally looking forward to the journey. As far as the catapult, very cool. I want to build one of these as well. I've seen it done full scratch, but printing one would save a ton of time.


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  • Member since
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  • From: Northern California
Posted by jeaton01 on Sunday, March 5, 2023 7:48 PM

Joe, I sent you a PM about the cataapult.  You'll have to click on the PM link at the top right to see it since there are no notifications.


To see build logs for my models:


  • Member since
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  • From: Corpus Christi, Tx
Posted by mustang1989 on Sunday, March 5, 2023 8:37 PM

Thanks Brandon. Yeah.....I knew that this kit was pretty rough but I do appreciate the heads up. lol. It's one of the reasons that I never would've built it had it not been for the update set. 


John: Got you answered in your PM brother.


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Posted by BrandonK on Monday, March 6, 2023 9:49 AM

That first kit being what it is would be a great condidate for the wheeled version of the bird. More wheeled Kingfishers were used than float variants. Something like 2 to 1. And the wheeled plane could be converted to floats in one hour, supposedly. They build up way faster without floats too.


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  • From: NYC, USA
Posted by waikong on Monday, March 6, 2023 11:34 PM

That catapult could not have been cheap!

  • Member since
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  • From: Corpus Christi, Tx
Posted by mustang1989 on Wednesday, March 8, 2023 9:08 PM

Brandon: That's good info to have for future reference. I'm at the point to where I'm going to start on the interior pretty soon but I have only one good color photo of the cockpit from the pilots seat looking forward and one vaguely colored shot of the tail gunner/ observers station from the side and NO color photos of any of the rest of the interior. Pilots rear wall.....gunners floor area...notta. Do you know where to find any color reference shots for this bird? Anything would be appreciated at this point.

waikong: You don't even wanna know pal. I'm almost embarassed...BUT....I've got one! 


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  • Member since
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Posted by BrandonK on Thursday, March 9, 2023 11:00 AM

Do you know where to find any color reference shots for this bird? Anything would be appreciated at this point.

I have a couple of books on the Kingfisher, a walk around and one other. Both have loads of info and good pics. That's primarily where I got my colors from. The Web does not have much on these that I found useful.

Amazon has them


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  • Member since
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  • From: Corpus Christi, Tx
Posted by mustang1989 on Friday, March 10, 2023 6:03 AM



Do you know where to find any color reference shots for this bird? Anything would be appreciated at this point.


I have a couple of books on the Kingfisher, a walk around and one other. Both have loads of info and good pics. That's primarily where I got my colors from. The Web does not have much on these that I found useful.


Amazon has them



Snagged 'em!!! Thanks Brandon!! Yes


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Posted by waikong on Wednesday, March 22, 2023 4:37 PM

k, better late than never, finally pics of my Supermarine Walrus. I had a bad setback when I lost one of the floats. Even emailed Airfix, but they said the kit was too old so no more spare parts.  So... stuck for weeks, and finally decided to vacuum form my own float.

Never did it before, so I got a used machine off ebay, and here's the first try with some clear plastic. 

Then went for some white plastic, and promptly burned a few sheets up. Finally, go a decent one and here's the result after much sanding and putty.

In anycase, the rest went off without a hitch.  As always rigging was a bear, but hey, part of the 'fun' right?  I've used some Trumpeter rigging string here, its pretty good, takes CA glue pretty much instantly.

As always, appreciate these Group Builds to give me incentive to finish off a kit that I've been meaning to get to for a while.  All the builds you guys put on here is an inspiration to me.

  • Member since
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Posted by BrandonK on Wednesday, March 22, 2023 4:48 PM

Man, that turned out spectacular!! Great idea on the missing parts fix. I need to look into getting into that as well. I think they may be pretty handy. Again, that is one great looking kit. I will update the front page and thanks for taking us along. Well done.


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  • Member since
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  • From: Honolulu, Hawaii
Posted by Real G on Friday, March 24, 2023 12:59 PM


That Walrus looks just fabulous.  And good save on the missing float!

You can make your own vac-forming machine using household materials, like a baking pan glued to a piece of wood:

I think using perforated circuit board would be easier than drilling hundreds of holes though!

“Ya ya ya, unicorn papoi!”

  • Member since
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Posted by JoeSMG on Friday, March 24, 2023 9:13 PM

That's a work of art waikong, great job on the replacement part too

- Joe the SMG

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Posted by keavdog on Friday, March 24, 2023 10:17 PM

Wow that is fantastic!  Haven't seen that kit built up at all - really nice job my friend.



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Posted by waikong on Friday, March 24, 2023 10:33 PM

Thanks everyone, appreciate it.

Real G, thats a great dyi vaccum form machine, but not sure how my wife would feel about my alternate use for the baking pan. Big Smile

  • Member since
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Posted by BrandonK on Saturday, March 25, 2023 10:14 AM

but not sure how my wife would feel about my alternate use for the baking pan.


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Posted by cbaltrin on Saturday, March 25, 2023 2:17 PM

Some really sweet completions in the GB. Good work everyone. Nice Stuff!

On the Bench: Too Much

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  • From: Corpus Christi, Tx
Posted by mustang1989 on Monday, March 27, 2023 4:39 AM

Now how it's all done right there waikong!! Beautifully painted and detailed out. If mine turns out half that good I'll be happy. Some good modeling pal.


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Posted by waikong on Tuesday, March 28, 2023 8:36 PM

Thank you! I am sure yours will even be better.

  • Member since
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  • From: Corpus Christi, Tx
Posted by mustang1989 on Friday, March 31, 2023 6:43 AM


Thank you! I am sure yours will even be better.


We'll see. I'm still waiting on some bits and pieces as well as some reference material to come in in order to proceed with the interior. 


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  • Member since
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  • From: Corpus Christi, Tx
Posted by mustang1989 on Thursday, April 13, 2023 3:42 PM

Hey Brandon,

I've been waiting on color reference shots for the interior and can't find a single color reference shot for the entire interior area. I've got a shot of the instrument panel and one small shot of the radios in the middle of the interior but that's it. What did you use for color reference for your interior on your Kitty Hawk Kingfisher? 


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Posted by Tcoat on Thursday, April 13, 2023 3:59 PM
  • Member since
    June 2014
Posted by BrandonK on Friday, April 14, 2023 10:13 AM


Hey Brandon,

I've been waiting on color reference shots for the interior and can't find a single color reference shot for the entire interior area. I've got a shot of the instrument panel and one small shot of the radios in the middle of the interior but that's it. What did you use for color reference for your interior on your Kitty Hawk Kingfisher? 


Kittyhawk calls for Field Green FS34097 throughout the interior with exception of radios and equipment like that. This is a US verions Fisher and the Brits may have used completely different colors inside. Since there are very very few examples left in the world, non of which are airworthy we can only make educated guesses. Unless you dig into documents for that time that lay out the specs. I basically finally said, "green will do, there isn't anyone around who can argue its wrong." Black inside a kit like this you won't be able to see anything. So I went interior green and other greens to layer it up and highlight and provide depth. Getting this to "actual, correct accuracy" is just not a big deal to me as long as it looks like a bird from that era. Basically, what colors were F4's, devastators and other Navy planes from that time using.

This is the image I used to decide that green interior was the way to go. I know its a museum piece and not to rely too much on accuracy from those, but it was likely visually repainted using what the bird already had to start with, I hope. Anyway, the historical pics really don't lend themselves to seeing what the color was to to black and white photos and poor lighting on color and colorized photos. Basically, you have to decide what you want. I have a ton of details inside and I want to see it, black won't allow that in scale, so green it is. Hope this helps.


On the bench:

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  • Member since
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  • From: Corpus Christi, Tx
Posted by mustang1989 on Friday, April 14, 2023 10:40 AM

From what you and Tony posted heck yeah it all helps bud and thanks goes out to both of you. 

What color did you paint that braided cable leading down from the bulkhead to the L/H side of the pilots seat? 


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  • Member since
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  • From: Canada
Posted by Tcoat on Friday, April 14, 2023 8:20 PM




Hey Brandon,

I've been waiting on color reference shots for the interior and can't find a single color reference shot for the entire interior area. I've got a shot of the instrument panel and one small shot of the radios in the middle of the interior but that's it. What did you use for color reference for your interior on your Kitty Hawk Kingfisher? 




Kittyhawk calls for Field Green FS34097 throughout the interior with exception of radios and equipment like that. This is a US verions Fisher and the Brits may have used completely different colors inside. Since there are very very few examples left in the world, non of which are airworthy we can only make educated guesses. Unless you dig into documents for that time that lay out the specs. I basically finally said, "green will do, there isn't anyone around who can argue its wrong." Black inside a kit like this you won't be able to see anything. So I went interior green and other greens to layer it up and highlight and provide depth. Getting this to "actual, correct accuracy" is just not a big deal to me as long as it looks like a bird from that era. Basically, what colors were F4's, devastators and other Navy planes from that time using.


This is the image I used to decide that green interior was the way to go. I know its a museum piece and not to rely too much on accuracy from those, but it was likely visually repainted using what the bird already had to start with, I hope. Anyway, the historical pics really don't lend themselves to seeing what the color was to to black and white photos and poor lighting on color and colorized photos. Basically, you have to decide what you want. I have a ton of details inside and I want to see it, black won't allow that in scale, so green it is. Hope this helps.



Can't go too far wrong with good old interior green. If me, based on the period pictures, I would paint the cockpit sides in the green and everything from the base of the canopies up Nato black or even German grey. Controls, boxes, and all equipment in semi gloss black.

Even accounting for color drift and shadows there is no way those upper sections are interior green 


OK So... A deep dive says that since the bulk of these aircraft were built before interior gren was standardized they were actually Dull Dark Green below the canopy rails.

That would make sense with the colour shift of the pictures as it is considerably darker than Interior Green


This makes your darkened interior green almost bang on.

  • Member since
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Posted by BrandonK on Saturday, April 15, 2023 11:02 AM

What color did you paint that braided cable leading down from the bulkhead to the L/H side of the pilots seat?

I painted in interior green or something like that and then dry brushed some steel over it to highlight and make it look better and used.


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  • Member since
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Posted by BrandonK on Monday, May 8, 2023 9:53 AM

After having looked over these pics and some others regarding the interior colors I do believe I will go with the black canopy frames. I haven't started painting yet so this is a good time to make that happen. I appreciate the input you all have provided here.


On the bench:

A lot !! And I mean A LOT!!

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  • Member since
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Posted by keavdog on Monday, May 8, 2023 10:20 AM

Got the shop all setup so I started on the Rufe.  Not much to share just yet, but after 10 months it's good to be back at the bench.





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