It can be done.
I had this 1/72 A-37B I got for 6 bucks at the LHS. A spray can of Gunship Gray, and a pack of military flats in the 1/4 oz bottles, and a 12 pack of Testor's acrylics in these little plastic "buckets" and was out the door for under $18.00. I used acrylics, because I can use alcohol as a brush cleaner. For decal setting, I used Future. It works great and isn't costly, since I have hardwood floors
. I brushed Future on after bombing the model in Gunship Gray, and it worked really well to give a satin sheen to it. Now to figure out a cheap dullcoat.
Anyhoo, here's a shot of the decals on the tail, so you can see how the Future works. It eliminates almost all the silvering (the decals were pretty crappy) and will allow the decals to conform really well. Gotta be quick though, the Future gets tacky really quick. After the decals set, I'm gonna brush another coat of Future, then weather (with the thinner sludge), and dullcoat. We'll see. By the way, this is just a test, I don't know what I'll do for the challenge...