well sad news on the modeling front... the wife has sucked every bit of modeling time out of me for the next week or so... (she calls it a vacation, I call it chauffeuring her around where she tells orders me to, just so she gets a $180.00 a night hotel room with a jacuzzi and tells me what type of food I will eat every day..) She says it will be so much fun for us...
I'm almost done with the Zeke except to paint the canopy and the fiddly bits... pics soon... I chose an odd color due to an article on j-aircraft.com... it's actually Med Sea Grey from the RAF colors... seemed many Zeros used that color... or near enough to it to be listed in the FS numbers used by them very early war...
just so those who don't know me understand, I love my wife but dislike her choice of vacations and her timing.......