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  • Member since
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 5, 2005 9:58 AM
hey blkhwkmatt that paint scheme is AWESOME! It's really inspired me too get started on another kit that I have, an Su-35.

Have made little progress on the F117 due to pesky work! But I'll try to get some done over the weekend and post some piccies for you all to see.

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 5, 2005 11:29 AM
Nice paint work Blkhwkmatt. I know what it's like to paint camo on 1/144 and that shows off the ablilities of the airbrush really well. Could I ask a favor? next time you post a picture of it could you put a ruler in the view for reference? Just for curiosity sake.
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 5, 2005 11:29 AM
is the Dassault Rafale considered a "stealth" plane?
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  • From: Haninge, Sweden
Posted by Gilmund on Tuesday, April 5, 2005 3:46 PM
Guys, what do think of this

I found a kit like this one in my LHS today (I didn´t buy it, the pic is from Looks pretty cool, but don´t know if there ever was a thing like that. The box said somethin like "The pentagon denies its existence, but Italeri has been able to produce a kit of this top secret steatlh plane". The box was dated 1991, so if there ever were a prototype or a mock-up, I guess it was cancelled.
- Johan Byberg -</font id="blue"> "Who´s the most foolish, the fool or the fool who follows?"</font id="size1">
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Posted by yardbird78 on Tuesday, April 5, 2005 5:30 PM
During most of the 1980's there were numerous rumors of various flying "things", UFO's if you will, operating out of Groom Lake Test Facility northwest of Las Vegas. The description of these "things" ran the gamut from extra-terrestial space ships to super secret, hyper velocity manned aircraft to the so called "stealth fighter or stealth bomber". Testor's Italeri initially released the F-19 as a supposedly accurate rendition of the stealth fighter that shortly afterwards was publicly released by the USAF as the Lockhedd F-117 of Desert Storm fame. The F-19 is purely the figment of someone's over active imagination.

Darwin, O.F. Alien [alien]


The B-52 and me, we have grown old, gray and overweight together.

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 5, 2005 11:08 PM
I can't wait till one of the companies makes a kit of the stealth fighter-bomber shown in the movie "Stealth". That is one sexy plane!! Hopefully, Tamiya or Hasegawa get it into their heads to make it!
As for my 'old-school' SR-71, I'm still looking for the clear sprue. It seems to have developed active stealth on it's own! Big Smile [:D]
  • Member since
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  • From: 40 klicks east of the Gateway
Posted by yardbird78 on Tuesday, April 5, 2005 11:47 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by johnforster
As for my 'old-school' SR-71, I'm still looking for the clear sprue. It seems to have developed active stealth on it's own! Big Smile [:D]Cheers,John

All is not lost with the "stealth" clear sprue being MIA. Krystal Klear should work for the camera bay windows as well as cockpit windows. Those are pretty small and should actually look better.

Darwin, O.F. Alien [alien]


The B-52 and me, we have grown old, gray and overweight together.

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, April 6, 2005 4:35 AM
The problem, Darwin, is that the whole canopy was molded in clear plastic, not just the windows. Otherwise, it wouldn't be a problem.
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  • From: Haninge, Sweden
Posted by Gilmund on Wednesday, April 6, 2005 5:31 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by johnforster

The problem, Darwin, is that the whole canopy was molded in clear plastic, not just the windows. Otherwise, it wouldn't be a problem.

woo, that IS a problem...

Thanks for the info Darwin, I had a feeling that it was something like that.

John, isn´t this the plane from that movie!?
ant these too...
- Johan Byberg -</font id="blue"> "Who´s the most foolish, the fool or the fool who follows?"</font id="size1">
  • Member since
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, April 6, 2005 6:55 AM
Interesting how the box art of the F-19 looks totally different to the models on the link that Gilmund provided (thanks by the way). I assume that this is artistic licence being as the aircraft never existed, companies just made their own design and called it F-19? Strange though.
  • Member since
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, April 6, 2005 7:50 AM
Not quite, but it looks a bit like it. Here's a link of some stills taken from the movie "Stealth".
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  • From: Haninge, Sweden
Posted by Gilmund on Wednesday, April 6, 2005 9:10 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by johnforster

Not quite, but it looks a bit like it. Here's a link of some stills taken from the movie "Stealth".

Yea, they both got the engines on top, but not no sumular in general.
That raises the question: what is that, if it´s not the testors/italeri F-19, and not the stealth from the movie. yarbird78, can you help us out.
Here´s the links again:
- Johan Byberg -</font id="blue"> "Who´s the most foolish, the fool or the fool who follows?"</font id="size1">
  • Member since
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  • From: Haninge, Sweden
Posted by Gilmund on Wednesday, April 6, 2005 9:13 AM
here´s a built testors F-19, and it´s not the same as that other F-19
- Johan Byberg -</font id="blue"> "Who´s the most foolish, the fool or the fool who follows?"</font id="size1">
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Posted by overkillphil on Wednesday, April 6, 2005 12:17 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Gilmund

Phil, have you found the canopy yet?

Regrettably, no. After April 15 I hope to start a more thorough search for it. ( I work as a tax preparer so the next couple of weeks might be kinda busy)
my favorite headache/current project: 1/48 Panda F-35 "I love the fact that dumb people don't know who they are. I hope I'm not one of them" -Scott Adams
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  • From: Haninge, Sweden
Posted by Gilmund on Wednesday, April 6, 2005 2:27 PM
I promised trigger74 to post pics of my F-22 intakes, unfortenatly I coluldn´t take any good ones, despite several atempts. It´s very difficoult to light up. Here´s the best one, but even that is out of focus.

Here´s a pic of the pit. When I did it about three years ago I was very pleased. It has been covered with masking tape since then, and now when it´s removed, I think it looks a bit mediocre. This was my first dry-brush experience, but I seem to have missed everything but the seat. Lack of seatbelt was nothing I thought about back then. This is one of the drawbacks of buildin kits over several years, when your skills grow.

- Johan Byberg -</font id="blue"> "Who´s the most foolish, the fool or the fool who follows?"</font id="size1">
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  • From: Haninge, Sweden
Posted by Gilmund on Wednesday, April 6, 2005 2:38 PM
This is how far I have come with my X-35 that I started in mid february. I haven´t done anything the last couple of weeks, I´ve been busy at work but now it´s all over.

I modified the nozzle so that it points backwards and opened up the intakes, otherwise it´s OOB After the first coat of paint I noticed some spots that wasn´t smooth so I added a bit of putty. I´m going to sand it down a paint it maybe tomorrow.

- Johan Byberg -</font id="blue"> "Who´s the most foolish, the fool or the fool who follows?"</font id="size1">
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Posted by blkhwkmatt on Wednesday, April 6, 2005 3:20 PM
Gilmund - good looking raptor and X-35, they look at bit harder to model sine they have very smooth lines all over. Keep up the good work!!

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur!!! - Anything said in Latin sounds profound!



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Posted by Trigger on Wednesday, April 6, 2005 3:47 PM
Thanks for the pix Johan!
------------------------------------------------------------------ - Grant "Can't let that nest in there..."
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Posted by blkhwkmatt on Wednesday, April 6, 2005 4:06 PM
Here are the latest pics of the Blue Berkut - with a ruler of sorts, the markings on my cutting mat. Hope you like!!! Big Smile [:D] (Scale is inches)

not much progress during the week, hopefully will get to work on it some this weekend!!!

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur!!! - Anything said in Latin sounds profound!



  • Member since
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  • From: Haninge, Sweden
Posted by Gilmund on Wednesday, April 6, 2005 4:46 PM
Awesome cammo, Matt! Looks just great. And I´m glad that you liked my birds.Big Smile [:D]

Keep it up /Johan
- Johan Byberg -</font id="blue"> "Who´s the most foolish, the fool or the fool who follows?"</font id="size1">
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Posted by AH1Wsnake on Wednesday, April 6, 2005 4:57 PM
Thanks for posting your photos, Gilmund.
As for my progress, my technique of adding some lengths of styrene sheet to the Raptor intakes worked about as well as I hoped. Have spent quite a bit of sanding to get everything smooth, but they look good. Also, on the sides of the fuselage, I used so much putty and did so much sanding to make the missile doors fit, that the sides are now completely smooth, so I may go back and lightly rescribe some of the door panel lines. I should be ready for paint and decals within a couple weeks!


"There are only two kinds of people that understand Marines: Marines and those who have met them in battle. Everyone else has a second-hand opinion."
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  • From: Haninge, Sweden
Posted by Gilmund on Wednesday, April 6, 2005 5:08 PM
Sounds like you´re making good progress AH1Wsnake, keep it up.
- Johan Byberg -</font id="blue"> "Who´s the most foolish, the fool or the fool who follows?"</font id="size1">
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, April 7, 2005 6:20 AM
This is why I avoided the F22 kit due to the many fit problems. I would just end up losing it and then it would have a fatal 'crash'!! Sometimes my lack of patience amazes even me.........!

The Berkut really does look ace.
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Posted by blkhwkmatt on Thursday, April 7, 2005 2:30 PM
Dan - i find that for me the less time that i have means that i have a greater amount of patience.

Thanks for the comments everyone, have found that i have fallen in love with the Badger 150 already, cant wait to try some "mottleing" on a German night fighter!!!

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur!!! - Anything said in Latin sounds profound!



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Posted by yardbird78 on Thursday, April 7, 2005 4:52 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Gilmund

Yea, they both got the engines on top, but not no sumular in general.
That raises the question: what is that, if it´s not the testors/italeri F-19, and not the stealth from the movie. yarbird78, can you help us out.

The various model companies have always been in competition with each other to be the first on the market with a model of any new item of military equipment, especially exotic airplanes. As I said in my previous post, the rumors of what was happening at Groom Lake (The Ranch, Dreamland, etc) were going fast and furious during the 70s and 80s. They supposedly had new stealth airplanes, successors to the U-2 and SR-71, a whole squadron of Migs, our own space ships, possibly based on "captured" extra terrestrial space ships, (ala "Independence Day), and even aircraft that were capable of Mach 5 or 6 speeds and could make 180 degrees turns and stop/start instantaneously. Even if the technology existed for a machine that could do that, no human body could tolerate it.
The nomenclature F-19 Stealth was something coined by some over eager media type and the model companies jumped on it with all six feet.
Testors/Italeri came out with the little dart shaped thingie that they said was the F-19. Monogram came out with the big bat winged thingie soon after that and also called it the F19. One of the model companies, I think Monogram, came out with a Mig something or other that they claimed was the Russian stealth. Russia had barely even considered the stealth concept at that point in time.
This is the same time period when the term "Aurora" was so popular and many people were just absolutely convinced that "it" existed. Their only plausible logic to this idea was that after all, the USAF had done away with the SR-71, therefore they must have something even better to replace it. Testors came out with a mother/daughter kit supposedly of the Aurora (daughter) perched on the back of the SR-75 Penetrator(mother). Mother was supposedly capable of Mach 3-4 and Daughter could do Mach 6 or better. This combination was gargantuan with daughter being almost as big as an SR-71 and mother was something that would make a B-70 look like the size of a Cessna 150.
Let me post this text while I get a couple pictures of "daughter". "I'll Be Ba a a a a ck!"

Darwin, O.F. Alien [alien]

I bought mother/daughter as a combo kit and built daughter. I didn't build mother because I would have to rent a hangar at the airport in order to store it.

The 1/72 "Aurora" next to a 1/72 F-4K Phantom

Another view of Aurora, Two large turbo jet engines on the bottom, two hydrogen fueled Ram Jets on the top.


The B-52 and me, we have grown old, gray and overweight together.

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  • From: Haninge, Sweden
Posted by Gilmund on Thursday, April 7, 2005 5:31 PM
Darwin - Thanks again for your endless knowledge in these matters.
- Johan Byberg -</font id="blue"> "Who´s the most foolish, the fool or the fool who follows?"</font id="size1">
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Posted by overkillphil on Friday, April 8, 2005 11:00 AM
I just recently read an interview with a fromer F-117 pilot (in the squadron signal F-117 book) that said that the F-117 designation was actually a mistake and that the Nighthawk was probably meant to be called the F-19. The situation was similar to the SR-71 which was actually originaly designated the RS-71 until LBj or somebody called the SR- in public and the name just stuck. While the initial test flights were under way the Nighthawk used the call sign 117 (a generic call sign used by a number of covert flights in the Groom Lake/Tonopah area) and somebody started producing manuals for the F-117 by mistake. By then it would have cost millions to rewrite everything so they just adopted the -117 designation. That's the story I've heard on the F-19 issue anyway.
my favorite headache/current project: 1/48 Panda F-35 "I love the fact that dumb people don't know who they are. I hope I'm not one of them" -Scott Adams
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  • From: Haninge, Sweden
Posted by Gilmund on Friday, April 8, 2005 11:47 AM
Interesting story, seems to make sense.
- Johan Byberg -</font id="blue"> "Who´s the most foolish, the fool or the fool who follows?"</font id="size1">
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Posted by yardbird78 on Monday, April 11, 2005 12:23 AM
I have finally made some progress on my SR-71C. The photos show the basic assembly. The black forward fuselage is from the Testors/Italeri SR-71, which can be built as an A or B, and the silver aft fuselage, wings, engines part is from the Testor's/Italeri YF-12A. This was the same combination used in the making of the full scale bird.
I installed the raised 2nd cockpit and canopy, removed the RHAW antenna bulges from the nose, filled in the OBC camera window opening in the nose as well as the 4 OOC and TEOC camera windows in the chine bays. Then the ventral center stabilizer fin was removed and the mount faired over. The overall fit was pretty good, so not too much filler was needed. The next step will be to get a coat of black paint on it. She will be dressed as the "Hangar Queen" that she was from 1976 to 1990.

Darwin, O.F. Alien [alien]


The B-52 and me, we have grown old, gray and overweight together.

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  • From: Northern hemisphere - most of the time-
Posted by blkhwkmatt on Monday, April 11, 2005 3:28 AM
yardbird, that is a good looking SR. I have only seen one once in flight and it left a huge impression on me. Even today that plane has an otherworldly shape to it!

Keep up the good work!!!

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur!!! - Anything said in Latin sounds profound!




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