Hi guys,
thanks for your comments.
Here's some photos of the topside of my Joy Boy.
First of all a word on the color.
There is a continuing contreversy about the so called "
black/blue/purple" color used by the 61stFS/56thFG for it's P-47M and some, at least one, P-47D bubbletop.
Here's my take on the subject:
I used 2 sources of information;
1- IPMS-USA Quarterly Vol 11, #4;summer 1976 where the author report a
conversation with Mike Gladych, a polish fighter pilot flying in the
61stFS, who claim that he was the first to paint his P-47D "PengieIV"
midnight blue. He states that the rest of the squadron
followed suit later. The author, John Schaaf, states that this color is
darker than Insigna blue. Gladych P-47M "Pengie V" was the same color.
2- Gladych told Schaaf that a model was built suing this same color.
I've found these photos on a post on Hyperscale forum.(I hope I'm not making a mistake with a link to a competitor
So I mixed my own using Tamiya XF1-black and XF8-blue. Proportions being
1.5 black to 1 blue.
I finished adding few white drops to the mix to highlight with a lighter colored mix some upper panels.
All the best.