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Community Build Project #4 - Ship

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Community Build Project #4 - Ship
Posted by djmodels1999 on Thursday, July 31, 2003 3:40 AM
Starting date 1 September, with completion date of 31 October.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, July 31, 2003 11:46 PM
Sounds good to me.

Any specific "rules" again? Would that personal watercraft model count?

Lookin forward to another build!!

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  • From: United Kingdom / Belgium
Posted by djmodels1999 on Friday, August 1, 2003 1:40 AM
it floats... it's OK, then ;-)
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Posted by djmodels1999 on Friday, August 1, 2003 5:12 AM
Actually, thinking about the CBP in general, I'm wondering whether we shouldn't try to make it a tad more 'challenging'... I know there is already, in some cases, of building something never tried before, but I'm thinking that adding another challenge to the challenge would be good, and possibly more interesting for those who already have built, say, a ship. We could therefore say that we have to build a ship but we also have to use PE sets, for instance, to complicate matters and try yet another technique on another medium. Or that the model must be painted with a dazzle colour scheme...

For a AFV, we could specify that we have to show the suspension 'in action', and not just build the model as if it was standing on a flat surface. For a plane, we could specify that it has to have a metallic finish. This would make the post CBP discussion way more interesting, by comparing uses of different techniques, materials to achieve a similar look/finish.

What do you think?
  • Member since
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Posted by SNOOPY on Friday, August 1, 2003 6:59 AM
I have been seening this CBP topic for awhile and I was wondering what is it? I mean what do you mean "Community Build Project"? Is this a type of IPMS group or is this something in your area? I am just curious?

Scott (Snoopy)
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  • From: United Kingdom / Belgium
Posted by djmodels1999 on Friday, August 1, 2003 7:06 AM
Scott, no it's just an idea that came about early in those forums. The original idea was to go back to the good old times and build a model with a basic list of tools, like when we all started, just to see whether we could still 'manage' that. All participants would work with either the same kit or something very similar. As it turned out, most of us could not, because we have grown used to a collection of tools and materials, used to detail, convert, ... We therefore turned our emphasis to building stuff we have not built before, stuff that's not exactly or main 'cup of tea' but from which we could all benefit by learning new tips and techniques from each other... This is the project as it stands today. There's been a limited amount of interest so far but I do think that adding the extra challenge would get more people interested and get this topic high in the sky again.
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  • From: Central MI
Posted by therriman on Friday, August 1, 2003 9:51 AM
DJ, I can't speak for anyone else. But as for me I haven't gotten involved in any of the "CBP"'s due to lack of time. I get one day a week I can work on my own models. And it takes me a while to get one done. If I got involved in this, I wouldn't get ANYTHING done. And I think you'll find that alot of people are in the same situtation.
Tim H. "If your alone and you meet a Zero, run like hell. Your outnumbered" Capt Joe Foss, Guadalcanal 1942 Real Trucks have 18 wheels. Anything less is just a Toy! I am in shape. Hey, Round is a shape! Reality is a concept not yet proven.
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Posted by SNOOPY on Sunday, August 3, 2003 1:52 PM
djmodels1999, I think this community project thing sounds interesting. I wish I started with CBP#3. I just got a figure from Andrea with their starter kit. I am looking forward to seeing what is in line for CBP#4. If I read this right, there is no subject picked for CBP#4 yet, right???
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  • From: United Kingdom / Belgium
Posted by djmodels1999 on Sunday, August 3, 2003 3:06 PM
Snoopy, we did propose a ship for #4, but fear not, figures will be back!
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  • From: Huntington, WV
Posted by Kugai on Sunday, August 3, 2003 4:53 PM
Are participants supposed to "register" here, or is "lurking participation" OK? Obviously, this question is for future reference.

I guess this gives me a reason to finally finish a shipBig Smile [:D]. I have a Kuznetsov, a Moskva, and a Titanic started, but none of them finished ( you just had to include a start date, din'cha Tongue [:P]). All I need to do now is choose between the Yamato and Shinano. Both are 1:700 Tamiya waterline kits, so 2 months should be more than enough ( yeah, right, I always say something like that ).

I couldn't even find my way back to "normal" with the Hubble!

  • Member since
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Posted by SNOOPY on Monday, August 4, 2003 6:54 AM

A ship sounds pretty good. I have a couple of them laying around not built yet. This could be rather exciting to do. I never worked on a model with a deadline. I have tried to setup a time line for building models but something always interfers. I will let everyone know how it is going.

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Posted by garyfo on Monday, August 4, 2003 11:49 AM
The last ship I built was PT-109. I

But it does sound like fun....I like the CBP might actually FINISH something if there is a 'deadline' involved.
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Posted by M1abramsRules on Monday, August 4, 2003 3:35 PM
I have a Lee Cutty Sark, but I don't know if I want to do it yet. I do enjoy doing a ship though, I'll have to see if there's any ar the LHS that turn my crank.
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, August 4, 2003 8:54 PM
Count me in...I will upload pics of my sprues on Sept 1.
I'm not sayin' nuttin' 'bout what I'm gonna do though ;)
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, August 5, 2003 3:13 PM
dj, as far as making it more challenging, I'm finding just trying to finish on time is more than enough challenge for me.Tongue [:P] (refer to CBP 3).

I do agree, though, that trying to stimulate some more conversation and interaction with these builds would be a good thing. Maybe even just suggesting that participants list stuff like paints, techniques, glues used, etc may increase the interaction in the thread. I know for myself, a lot of the techniques I use I don't even think as techniques anymore because they are so natural to me. I think that we all tend to forget that just because we do something one way doesn't mean that others do it that way or that others even know how to do something a certain way.

The problem with increasing the 'difficulty' level is that you will start to alienate some people due to cost factor, skill level, etc., although with the participants we've had so far I don't know if that would really be a factor. Anyway, I too would like to see some more discussion in the thread. Let's see if anyone else has any ideas.

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Posted by 2000-redrider on Tuesday, August 5, 2003 6:15 PM
Perhaps one way to stimulate conversation and increase the difficulty would be to post your "personal" challenge. Once you've decided on what to build, state how you plan to build it (box stock, PE sets, conversions, ...etc). My post might read someting like,

"I've decided to build the 1/700 Bismark by ?????. I've never built a ship before and plan on building it box stock with the dazzle paint scheme. I think this and completing the model on time is more than enough of a challenge for me."

During the build, update your post with your progress ( or in may case, lack thereof). Is it going faster/slower than expected? Is it harder/easier than expected? What unexpected things have you encounter?

Then at the end, report on how it came out. Did you complete it as you intended? What did you (or would you) do differently? Are you pleased with the results?
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  • From: United Kingdom / Belgium
Posted by djmodels1999 on Wednesday, August 6, 2003 1:30 AM
OK, Ray, I see your point. Very valid and I'll abide by them. Redrider's suggestion is good too: let's tell each other our plans. I'm gonna do a dazzle scheme too. It might be that RMS Olympic I'm longing to build, but I need to get some PE for that first, so I might have to go with something else first!
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Posted by SNOOPY on Wednesday, August 6, 2003 6:47 AM
Those suggestions are great. It would be neat to hear different tips and techniques and other challenges. I think I will build the USS United States I picked up a couple of years ago. I have a book on building ships and the author puts together her sister ship the USS PRESIDENT. I am going to try an follow their steps. I might actually try using Bare-metal foil (matte copper) for the lower part of the hull. I am not sure how this will work. Sept. 1st is just around the corner. I hope I can finish the project I am working on to start this one with everybody.
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Posted by M1abramsRules on Wednesday, August 6, 2003 4:54 PM
ok count me in. I found one that I want to do. I'm doing the same as muzzleflash88. (not telling what until sept. 1st)
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  • From: Brooklyn
Posted by wibhi2 on Thursday, August 7, 2003 8:35 AM
I wish I had time for this one. I have a plank on frame USS Constitiution started.
Boy, talk about necessary skill sets. Plastic is one thang, but wood is a totally different beast
3d modelling is an option a true mental excercise in frusrtation
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  • From: Jacksonville, NC
Posted by Wolfp on Thursday, August 7, 2003 1:50 PM
Ooh, ooh, ooh...a reason to break open my Fletcher and put off my Swordfish for just a bit longer. I have had this kit for about 3 months now along with the photo etched parts (actually had to buy them twice due to the fact I lost the first set...grrrr Angry [:(!]. Anyway, count me in.



On the Bench: !/350 TOS Enterprise; 1/72 Tie Interceptor

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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, August 8, 2003 3:12 PM
OK, time for old Murray to throw a 'curve' at you guys... I'm in a bit of a bad spot because I don't really have a ton of free time lately for building kits. I totally blew it on CBP#3 and would like to fix that for #4. So, that said, would you guys allow me to build a 'paper' model and join in the discussion for CBP#4? I've found some neat sites that offer free print-outs and it would be about the only way I could participate. I know it's not 'plastic' and therefore not really at the heart of the forum, but it would be about all I could do right now.

How about it? You guys OK with a little bending/twisting of the rules (not like I haven't done it before...)??

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Posted by M1abramsRules on Friday, August 8, 2003 11:11 PM
do we have to start on sept. 1st, or can it be a little late starting? say the middle of september?
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Posted by djmodels1999 on Saturday, August 9, 2003 12:37 AM
Murray, go for it!

Abrams, the dates are just indicative... I still have to meet a deadline for CBP...!
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Posted by M1abramsRules on Saturday, August 9, 2003 1:04 AM
don't worry, I'll have it done by oct. 31
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  • From: Brisbane, Australia
Posted by ILuv3ggs on Sunday, August 10, 2003 2:51 AM
i am quite keen to enter this, so i have some basc questions...

whats a good ship manufacture, and whats a good size 1/700 alright ?
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Posted by djmodels1999 on Sunday, August 10, 2003 3:26 PM
Italeri's kits are supposed to be quite good at that scale. I would not recommend the older Airfix kits, nor Revell's...

My idea of building the Titanic successful sister-ship RMS Olympic took a beating today, 'cause I found out that PE sets that were to be released by Toms Modelworks will not be released after all (well, at the scale I needed them). So I'm out looking for another subject now... I might try that Italeri's Graf Spee...
  • Member since
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  • From: Huntington, WV
Posted by Kugai on Sunday, August 10, 2003 5:08 PM
OK, made my decision.

Mine's going to be Tamiya's 1:700 waterline Yamato. I decided against the Shinano because I don't have one of those display boxes to keep all the little planes from getting lost. Anyone with kids or cats should understand the reasoningTongue [:P]. There's also the decal factor: over a hundred "meatballs" for 1:700 scale Zero fighters! I'm not going to fool myself into thinking that that level of detailing is a good idea when combined with a time limit.

Given that I've never finished a ship before, I'm just going to build her straight from the box, no PE and such. The biggest question I have is what color to use for the planking? The box art shows an drab color while the instructions say to use "Buff," which is a heck of a lot lighter. Anyone know of a historically accurate option?

I couldn't even find my way back to "normal" with the Hubble!

  • Member since
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  • From: Brisbane, Australia
Posted by ILuv3ggs on Sunday, August 10, 2003 10:33 PM
I have chosen my model, i am gonna try and do the CA-35 Indianapolis in 1/700 ...

wish me luck !
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, August 11, 2003 9:07 AM
Hey Murray,

Definitely go with whatever you can do. A paper model sounds really interesting.


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