OK time bump on this thread and a little progress update on my Fw 190A-7.
First off this is Heinz Bar's Red 13 Fw 190A-7 that I am trying to reproduce in 1/48
The underside was pre-shaded with RLM 66 and then painted with a couple of different shades of RLM 76 so that it wouldn't have a monochromatic look.
My first two tries at mottling on this beast turned out horrible IMHO so both were over sprayed. This is attempt no 1 which was the better of the two aborted attempts, but still looked nothing like what I wanted.
Here is attempt no 3 with a pic of Bar's aircraft behind it. The mottle is not perfect by any means but I am happy enough to not bother trying again.
The RLM 74 & RLM 75 were both painted free hand using a thin mix at about 12psi to avoid overspray. All the paints are Gunze and the RLM 75 was lightened with a touch to provide a little more contrast to the RLM 74.
Next stage will be some post shading with the old trusty Iwata. Once that's done I'll post another update.