raider-hall - That is some serious SB going on, impressive!
Here is my own humble WIP on the old Monogram Nimitz.Old kit, very VERY simple and lacking details, will be a quick fun build to get back in the flow before I tackle bigger/better projects.
For the base, I tried to make it faux wood. Basecoat of MM Wood, followed by Future coat, then burnt umber oils. The Future keeps the oil paint from "sticking" right away and you can then brush the oil to resemble wood texture. Another Future coat seals everything in.
The shaft/hull joints. The shaft attachment points were very bad and "pointy" (yes, should have taken a "before" pic!). I glued the shafts in place and then built up some structure to the joint with Tamiya Liquid Surface primer. I had to then carefully sand around the joints to smooth them out. Next I need to sand/polish the area to get rid of the scratches.
The superstructure is very simple, coarse and lacking detail, specially the electronic components. No point really on scratch-building new components, much less spending money on PE replacements. Will build OOB and just try and shave some of the excess plastic off. Sorry to bring down the overall quality of the GB with this kit, but hey, you gotta start somewhere! : )