Snooping around to catchup on the remaining works in progress. Looking good. Lots of great looking builds.
For me, mine looks the same as the day I received it. Oh my mistake the shrink wrap got torn off and the instructions read, well looked at. Getting closer to starting this SSGB project. Bought some paint, all my building tools, etc are finally all out of hibernation and dusted off. Not a permanent work site, but will do, only if I can keep my daughter's two cats off the table and out of my hair.
Dabau at least I no longer feel lonely in the non start up phase. I'm so far behind, that I think I'm ahead and leading.
I havde two partially completed on the bench. My Avro Arrow is now at the phase of putting the non white colours on. Had an incident and broke the little front extending piece (whatever it is called) section and tried to glue the little pin back and it doesn't look right, so it will be a stubby nose. Going to have to mix colours for try in simulate the day glo orange. My Dodge SuperBee will remain second as the SSGB will be next up after the Arrow is down and mounted in flight.