Yeah, I didn't forget about this GB.
Just been really busy trying to get my house ready to sell. I'm closing on a new home July 31st and we really need to get the one we are in now sold. Between work and the commute (140 miles round trip), I'm gone around 12 hours a day and as soon as I get home, I'm handed a new "Honey-Do" list. The weekends are even worse...
Oh, and I have a baby due in August so my wife really can't much. (I won't let her lift anything)
I am actually part of like 5 Group Builds at the moment. I'm seriously considering pulling out of all but this one and the Corsair GB since I am like 75% on my Mustang and around 25% on my Corsair. All others are unstarted.
I have made a little progress and will post pics soon.