hi guys
i've got tamiya's steel wheeled panther but have a resin pre-zimmed hull and turret (sorry moses, don't read any further!
), which i want to do for this, my first group build
however, i need a camo scheme and decals...
i was thinking of the tamiya/eduard zim combo (red 435 or something like that), but how do i get them? does anyone on this build have them spare??
i looked on archer's web site, but they don't seem to have anything for panther g's, which i find a bit strange
i've scoured loads of web galleries and seen lots of cool pics, but few seem to add a little history of their kit re unit, location etc etc, and no-one puts down where they got their decals from!!!
i'm really keen on the group-build, so i'm desperate to get a scheme sorted out.
many thanks for all your help as always,