Thanks for the badge, Dwight! Not sure if I've earned it yet!
Way to go Eric! Can't wait for the pics!!
Update to all those who have been so kindly concerned about my poor, little, lost kitty!!
Last night I braved the mad traffic of quitting time in Salt Lake and drove to the hobby shop. I figured I certainly could make it in 40 minutes. Most of the traffic is going OUT of Salt Lake at that time, after all. Well, I did real well until I had to change to a different freeway and head East. Traffic was bad, I had about 10 or 11 minutes left! Would I make it? Could I make it?? Oh, the gastric anomalies occuring within my nether regions!! I was down to 10 miles an hour and the traffic was stacked up. I could turn around and forget it, but NO! I decided to forge on. The traffic suddenly opened up, I was back up to 50+! Yea!!! Then I got off onto the access street. But I was still doing okay. I had 7 minutes left. Then, there it was. I was on a single lane road and the traffic was dead stopped. A full block and a half from the intersection where I needed to turn. I called the store and got a hold of "The Man". (He used to work at Great Models, but changed jobs when GM dropped their retail store.) "Yes", he said. He was still there but was leaving in 4 minutes. I told him I thought I could just about make it, but might be just a minute late. The traffic started moving...there was NO WAY the light would wait for me, but I had to press on. But it did! I made the light, turned the corner, and zipped down the street for the next two and final blocks. I pulled into the parking lot, jumped out of the car and ran to the door. Inside I go and some salesman I've never seen before looks at me with "death" in his eyes..."We're closing", he says. I look around, point to "The Man" and tell him, "Merv's got me". "The Man" looks up, smiles with a sarcastic kind of smirk, and says, "So you want this back, huh?". He walks to the storage shelf, gets the box and delivers my box with totally okay Panther back into my hands. I was soooo filled with joy! I jumped up and yelled "Horray!". Then dropped the box, scattering the panther down the length of the aisle, where one of the last customers ever to be in that store, surprised by the noise, stepped back and crushed the hull under his left foot!
Just kidding!!!! (At least from the part of jumping up and dropping the box!) Gottcha!! LOL
I GENTLY took the box, walked it out to the rear seat of my car, and drove home, safely!!
I will try and get some pics of the TRACKED Panther taken and posted this afternoon or this evening.
Have a great day, all!
DML M4A2 Red Army
-- There is a fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness". (Author unknown)